SCARAB profile picture


Stupid risks make life worth living

About Me

This profile was edited with DonkeySpace Editor
Click to buy our CD at CD Baby!!!
Scarab formed in the garage of an auto glass tinting shop in the East Bay during the summer of 2004. Our intention for this band is to not be tied to a genre. We bring in elements of various types of music: latin, arabic, asian, and jazz rhythms melded with an 80's hardcore and post-punk aesthetic. Scarab's sound continues to evolve around our influences.
SCARAB fue formado en un grarage de polarizacion de vidrios de el Este de la Bahía de San Francisco en el verano del 2004. Nuestra intención no es estancarnos en un genero especifico. Incorporamos varios géneros musicales: Latinos, Árabes, Asiáticos y elementos de Jazz con una estética Hardcorera de los 80s. El sonido de SCARAB continua evolucionando entorno a nuestras influencias.
Check out a video of us playing live (thank you to Hazmadt Abaya for shooting and editing it):
A mini-Scarab Rockumentary by Hazmadt Abaya:

My Interests


Member Since: 4/23/2006
Band Website: Email us at:
Band Members: Russ Skelchy - Bass, Guitar, Vocals
Melanie Skelchy - Guitar, Drums, Vocals
Felipe Neira - Drums, Guitar, Vocals
Mark Jolly - Keyboard/Fake Accordion, Rubber Ducky
featuring Lisa Boggeri - Bassoon, Guiro, Percussion
Sounds Like: "Who the fuck are you guys playing to anyway?"-ToastyKen
"One more accordion song and we're playing Beerfest!"-Capt. Browneye
"You guys are one of those 'different' bands"-PineStreetBar owner
"Fuck this shit, we should all just get eaten by aliens"-Peeps
"Lay there and crap your pants I am going to come over and swot you with the kungfu shoe"-a poet named KRC

Type of Label: None

My Blog

Tuesday night Roxxxxx!

In keeping with this tradition of reviewing almost every show we play, here it is. The scene: Tuesday night at El Rincon in SF, one of our favorite venues to play. Despite the lack of a sizable audi...
Posted by SCARAB on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 11:28:00 PST

Some Lyrics

As promised a while back, here are lyrics to 3 of our songs:That Which Breaks to PiecesThey come from the West once moreSeeking riches from our shoreWith minds fixed on greed and lustIntentions not to...
Posted by SCARAB on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 11:31:00 PST

Caustic Acoustic in Campbell

What's up everyone. We played our first ever "acoustic" show on Saturday in Campbell, CA. I think overall it went alright....we probably could tighten up the sound a little but not terrible. Most o...
Posted by SCARAB on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 11:14:00 PST

Nights of Laundry and Lager

What's up everyone,It was a busy weekend for us. We played 2 shows in the city, one on Saturday night at Brainwash Cafe and the other on Sunday night at Ireland's 32.It's always nice to play at Brain...
Posted by SCARAB on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 11:13:00 PST

New Album and Interview

Wasssup everyone. Well, we finally have our cd out, it's entitled "In Difference". We named it that because that seems to be a comment we get when people hear us play....."Oh you're one of those 'di...
Posted by SCARAB on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 11:28:00 PST

A Night Out With Skull Guy

Hello everyone,Here's what went down at the show last night at John Patrick's in Alameda. It was one of the most enjoyable shows we've played....I'm sure Mel wants to take credit for this fact since ...
Posted by SCARAB on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 03:18:00 PST

Cuban, Mexican food and Scarab, what else do you need?

What's up everyone. Here's what went down last night at El Rincon, a festive, intimate bar/restaurant in San Francisco's Mission District. I had an abundance of time on stage since I played in three...
Posted by SCARAB on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 11:13:00 PST

Newsflash: Sorority girls aren't into us!

wassup. it's been about a month since our last show but we played one last night at Johnny V's in downtown San Jose. always a good show when we play with with report. the night opened with a band f...
Posted by SCARAB on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 06:33:00 PST

We do the Voodoo!

We played a show at the Voodoo Lounge in San Jose last Sunday night, which also happened to be my birthday. The night started out very well with a good Chinese dinner at a restaurant by Mel's house. I...
Posted by SCARAB on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 06:19:00 PST

Santa drops a load at El Rincon

Wassssup everyone. It's 2am and I'm writing this blog. We played a show at El Rincon in the Mission this Saturday (Dec. 23) and it was pretty successful. I love El Rincon because it's got a chill v...
Posted by SCARAB on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 02:33:00 PST