Ellylldan profile picture


Neo-Classical Heathen Folk

About Me

As of the 25th of January the first album "The Grey of the Storm Blinds All Hope" will be avaliable on CD with full artwork from the Dungeons Deep Records Store. To order your copy, visit this link:
"Dungeons Deep Records Store"


"One night, when the moon had gone down, as I was sitting on a hill-top, the Ellylldan passed by. I followed it into the valley. We crossed plashes of water where the tops of bulrushes peeped above, and where the lizards lay silently on the surface, looking at us with an unmoved stare. The frogs sat croaking and swelling their sides, but ceased as they raised a melancholy eye at the Ellylldan. The wild fowl, sleeping with their heads under their wings, made a low cackle as we went by. A bittern awoke and rose with a scream into the air. I felt the trail of the eels and leeches peering about, as I waded through the pools. On a slimy stone a toad sat sucking poison from the night air. The Ellylldan glowed bravely in the slumbering vapours. It rose airily over the bushes that drooped in the ooze. When I lingered or stopped, it waited for me, but dwindled gradually away to a speck barely perceptible. But as soon as I moved on again, it would shoot up suddenly and glide before. A bat came flying round and round us, Happing its wings heavily. Screech-owls stared silently at us with their broad eyes. Snails and worms crawled about. The fine threads of a spider's web gleamed in the light of the Ellylldan. Suddenly it shot away from me, and in the distance joined a ring of its fellows, who went dancing slowly round and round in a goblin dance, which sent me off to sleep." ['The Vale of Glamorgan.' (London, 1839.)]

My Interests


Member Since: 4/23/2006
Band Website: dungeonsdeep.com/ellylldan.html
Band Members: Sam Knight
Influences: Nature & our Earth. Uruk-Hai, Vàli, Tenhi, Ashes, Anduin, Hate Forest, Drudkh, Saturnus, Uaral, Somanmbuul, In Gowan Ring, Summoning etc
Sounds Like: A place where nature rules unhindered and echoes of the past gently coax you to better and higher things.
Record Label: Dungeons Deep Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

2008 Late January Updates

Just a few brief updates to what's going on with Ellylldan at the moment.Those of you who were expecting 'Battlefields' to be out in 2007 will have to wait a little longer, due to moving house and oth...
Posted by Ellylldan on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 02:53:00 PST

while searching on google...

I came across this..."But if you want to hear THE purest and most beautifully tranquil Nature-inspired music... try Ellylldan. There is really no substitute for Ellylldan, and I have never come across...
Posted by Ellylldan on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 10:27:00 PST

'Book II' - OUT NOW!!!

'Book II" is out now on Dungeons Deep Records.This 30 minute follow up to The Grey of the Storm Blinds All Hope is now available via the Dungeons Deep Records Store.You can listen to track three, 'Fol...
Posted by Ellylldan on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 03:46:00 PST

News: Upcoming Releases for 2007 & 10,000 Views - A FREE Track!

Releases News:Book IIThe upcoming mini-CD (written and recorded August of 2006 and previously titled "The Winds of Change") will rear its head in the next couple of months with brand new artwork and a...
Posted by Ellylldan on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 08:50:00 PST

Anduin - a MUST listen.

I got a comment today reminding me to check back and listen to some tracks on this page and they have really blown me away.http://www.myspace.com/andruinukIf i was to recommend one musician to you at ...
Posted by Ellylldan on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 02:57:00 PST

'The Grey of the Storm Blinds All Hope' Review

Reviewed by Mark Hensch, the article is viewable here..."Features"and here"Thrashpit":)...
Posted by Ellylldan on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 06:46:00 PST

Kind Words

something a new friend posted to me regarding my music today that blew me away "I was taken away from all things that are mundane and passive listening to your music and drawn to the forest and glad...
Posted by Ellylldan on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 04:28:00 PST

"The Grey of the Storm Blinds All Hope" artwork

I have had this lying around for a while now as it was designed when i did the album, it is to acompany the album so right-click and save as if you want to. Front Cover: Back Cover: Inlay: enjo...
Posted by Ellylldan on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 07:47:00 PST