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I am here for Friends

About Me

SILLY!Random Andrew Quotes: "I am so completely four four four!"It's hard to be three""I smell like you Daddy! I smell like beer!""Put that on your myspace page Mommy!""I don't love you Mommy!" (sad as this is, he says it)"Mommy, I'm going to marry Ashley!"my reply "Really?"Andrew:"Not this MINUTE!!""Mommy, you make me laugh!"Dan:"What are you thinking about Andrew?" Andrew: "you." Dan: "And what are you thinking about me?" Andrew:"You're crazy.""I want to talk about RACE CARS and I am going to talk about them ALL BY MYSELF!!" (pounding the table with his fist at the same time)"I need to listen to "White and Nerdy" Mom!""Let's cook that bird"...Looking out the window at the robins... really diggin' :Myspace Contact Tables

My Interests

photography I have been experimenting with some new lights and reluctantly my boys are posing. Here is MJ.Currently obsessed with both movie AND soundtrack...and let's face it, Keira Knightly too!

I'd like to meet:

Lynda Barry!

Wait a minute...I did meet her!!


I love movies! Just saw "JUNO" - EXCELLENT. I also enjoyed "Diary of the Dead" You just cannot beat a good zombie movie"I am going to get a special boxed set of "Pride and Prejudice" and I am looking forward to PBS's run of Jane Austen's movies. I can't wait!Although at the moment I am obsessed with Battlestar Galactica and this Man...Or maybe you'd like this picture (I do)Currently watching season 3 of Battlestar Galatica and I think it is by far the best yet. The episodes so far are bringing me to tears. They are super intense.


LOST HAS Started AGAIN!! I am a teensy bit disappointed ! I thought it might be a little more exciting. Although I love a Sayid-centric episode....those are super cool.Also I got "The Tudors" on my video Ipod and I am now watching that first sesaon. Wow, history has never been so exciting or intriguing.


Reading a "new to me" author : Karin Slaughter, and also a non-fiction book called "Pledged". Both are really good.


Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts

My Blog


Oh my God. I am getting caught. I am screaming like I am being chased by the devil himself. I can't stop. It's like a bad movie. Why did I do this? This is such a childish prank, why ??? A typical s...
Posted by karyn on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 01:03:00 PST

Canned Heat

I am dancing on the worn wooden floor of Bonnie Ardelean's dance studio. Well, tapping actually is what I am doing, and nothing sounds more delicious than the snip-snap-flap noise tap shoes make on a...
Posted by karyn on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 03:03:00 PST

Watching Matthew.

I am sitting in the dark audience. With me are Dan, Andrew and my sister Krissie. I am about to see Matthew dance. It is not the first time I have seen him on a stage. At the ripe age of seven, he ha...
Posted by karyn on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 04:40:00 PST


I am sitting on the stairs looking into the blue blue eyes of Mike. He is a gorgeous senior and I am a junior. We both attend the same high school. It is a cool spring night, about two weeks before p...
Posted by karyn on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 04:06:00 PST


I am playing a trick. I love playing tricks. My husband says I am too "tricksy" (not a real word but very descriptive). I am with two of my friends Relissa and Mebecca. (Names changed for anonymity)....
Posted by karyn on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 09:45:00 PST

The Diver's Clothes Laying Empty on the Beach - Rumi

This is the poem I promised a week or so ago. It is beautiful.     The Diver's Clothes Laying Empty on the Beach You're sitting here with us, but you're also out walking in a field at dawn Y...
Posted by karyn on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 01:00:00 PST

Lynda Barry Experience

I am sitting here at Old Towne School of Music. I can't believe that I made it here. The class sold out right away, so I was very lucky. Lynda Barry has always been one of my favorite authors. I disc...
Posted by karyn on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 03:05:00 PST