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About Me

What up kids...I'm Jadd. Fair warning right off the bat, I'm a huge wiseass. You don't like it, don't bitch about it, just hit the bricks. I'm pretty straight forward and I'm honest. I'll be your best friend if you want me to be...I'm one of the most loyal people out there. I'm a workaholic...not by choice, that's just kind of the way things ended up. I work promotions for Kiss 108 in Medford, I work traffic inside of Jamn 94.5 (I'm on air with traffic reports up in Maine), and I'm on air every Saturday morning at 106 WCOD on the Cape. Call in and say hey sometime...888-770-WCOD
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My Interests

Sports -- baseball, football, volleyball. Going to the gym, and hanging out with my friends!

I'd like to meet:

Jason Varitek, hands down.Salim

Add to My Profile | More VideosSalim 2

Add to My Profile | More VideosChristmas Eve

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3 Doors Down, Papa Roach, Godsmack, Beatles, AC/DC, Foo Fighters, Kid Rock, Eminem, 50 Cent, John Mayer, Green Day, some country...anything really, I'm not that picky.


The Butterfly Effect, The Green Mile, Van Wilder, Old School, Varsity Blues


ER, CSI, and the Red Sox -- other than that, I don't really watch too much TV


"Faithful" -- the Red Sox book!


Not to sound corny, but my mother...and Jason Varitek

My Blog


Heyyyy all my Myspace Crazies!!! I need your hellppp!! PLEEAASSSEEE add my other Myspace Account that I just made. It has three different demos of me on air (KISS 108, JAMN 94.5, and a Traffic Demo).....
Posted by Jadd on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 10:04:00 PST

Subway - Eat Fresh

**The following is a letter of concern to Subway. Why? Because I can.**Dearest Subway,    I write this letter to voice my concern toward your latest ad campaigns, where you feature Subw...
Posted by Jadd on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 06:09:00 PST

Hello Goodbye

This has definitely been one of the most shitty, random, jaw-dropping weeks that I can remember. It's just one of those periods that seems like a bad dream...like it's too messed up to be reality. But...
Posted by Jadd on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 01:47:00 PST

Red Sox Predictions

K ready?Al Nipper - New Red Sox Pitching Coach, considering we were actually winning when he was aroundWho's the new batting coach you ask?  Benjamin Krantz...because we all know he has a killer ...
Posted by Jadd on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 11:06:00 PST

Life is good.

Yes, to reiterate...life is good.KISS is fun.KISS people are more fun.I want to be on air...KISS would be REALLY fun.Going to work on a new demo to send to stations, since I got feedback from some coo...
Posted by Jadd on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 07:34:00 PST

Yeah, here we go.

Title sounds like this is gonna be an emo blog, huh?Gotcha, suckas.I'm good.KISS rocks.I'm in love with my baby brother.That's about it. As Senor Jackson Blue would say... Ocho Nueve. Later....
Posted by Jadd on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 09:48:00 PST

Ready for a shocker?

So I'm not one to beat around the bush, so I'm just going to be pretty blunt...guys pretty much fucking suck.Now I'm absolutely serious. Not even bending the truth a little bit...but in all honesty, e...
Posted by Jadd on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 09:10:00 PST

Haha oh yeah

So I've been graduated for a few weeks now, and it's kind of weird. Not exactly in a bad way, it's just a huge adjustment. Getting back in the routine of living with my mother has probably been the bi...
Posted by Jadd on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 08:05:00 PST

Growing Up

A few days ago, someone who really means a lot to me told me that I needed to grow up. It's pretty much a known fact that even arguing with someone who you care a lot about puts you in a sour mood, bu...
Posted by Jadd on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 09:51:00 PST

Straight from the Heart

So last week wasn't exactly the easiest week of my life. So if anyone thought that I wasn't myself, it's because I wasn't. And I'm sorry for that, but sometimes you just can't help how you react to th...
Posted by Jadd on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 09:10:00 PST