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About Me

WHAT IS A HUSTLER?HUSTLE is doing something that everyone is absolutely certain can't be done.HUSTLE is getting what you want because you got there first or stayed with it after everyone else gave up.HUSTLE is shoe leather and elbow grease and sweat and missing lunch .HUSTLE is getting prospects to say "YES" after they said "NO" tweenty times.HUSTLE is doing more unto a customer than the other guy is doing unto him.HUSTLE is believing in yourself and your abilities!HUSTLE is the sheer joy of winning.HUSTLE is figuring out how to win even still.HUSTLE is HEAVEN if you are a HUSTLE.HUSTLE is HELL if you are not!!!MONEY ATTAINED IS TWICE AS SWEET AS MONEY EAENED!!!!!MARIO M WOODS. Myspace Layouts - Free Image HostingI edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

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