*god*, *family*, *music*, *chiLlin' out w/ friends*, *chAttin'*, *fAshiOn*, *shOpping*, *parTies*, *dancing*, *starbucks (w/ my bhEss)*, *stilletos*, *bags*, accesories*, *body shop*, *purple.purple.purple*, *mr chips w/dip(yumyum)*, *violet.02.07.07*, *beach*, *tanlines*, *tequila*, *beer*, *vodka*, *make-up *, *fLip fLops*, *MY OTHER HALF*
real thing =)
.:acOUstic:., .:R&B:., .:sLOw jAm:., .:pUnk:.house music
*if onLy*, *mEaN giRLs*, *hOney*, *yOu gOt served*, *wedding pLAnner*, *heAd Over heeLs*, *jUst mArried*, *serendipity*, *deLiver us frOm evA*, *hOw tO lOse a gUy in 10 dAys*, *sLAp her she's a french*, *nOt anOther teen mOvie*, *so clOse*, *spiderman3*
*thAt's sO rAven*, *the cheetAh girLs*, *aFv*, *lizzie mcgUire*, *feAr fActOr*, *sex and the city*, *chArmed*, *dAvid bLAine*
*why mEn love bitches*, *shopahoLic*
*god, family and friends*