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About Me

m" a "piSceS" wAter sign, fish *wink* DiSLiKE:LiERs, FAKE PEOPLE, BACK STABBERS, PERPS, DRAMA !!!...iM dOwN tO EArTh,I THiNk iM PAtIEnT MOsT oF ThE TiMe LoL, OuT GOigG,VeRY fRiENdLY,I LeT ShIT sLiDE CoZ iM A GOoD PErSoN. iM A VErY SaRcAStIC PeRSoN...I JoKe ArOuND aLoT, & I'LL MAkE U LaUgH TiLL YoU sHiT iN YOUR PaNtS...iF yOU cANt tAkE a FReAKiNg JoKE THeN DoNT bE ArOUnD mE CoZ i DoNt wAnT YoU tO Be BuTTHuRt...I aINt gOT TImE FoR AnY BULLsHITeRS..I SaY WhAT I FeEL, If U dONT LIkE iT ThEN .. i kN0w ExActLy whAt i waNt. strAight Up. i DoNt sEttlE for lEsS. i fALL fASt And LoSe iNteReSt fASt. ilL aLwAys rEmEmbeR th0Se wHo haS tAkEn mE fOr granted. wUt u did wiLL aLwAys StAy WitH me and ill always remEmbeR that facE. i doNT enjOy brEakin` heArts. im a biG swEEtheArt ?. bUt if U waNna plAy Like thAt. iM GaMe. i NevEr faLL fOr soMeoNE tWicE. oNcE thEn its dONe. i wAlk aWay wEn U lEast expEct iT. i wAlk aWAy wEn u thiNk iM stiLl faLLin` fOr yOu.MARQUEE WIDTH="100%" BEHAVIOR="scroll" SCROLLAMOUNT="5" DIRECTION="left" /MARQUEE embed enableJavascript="false" allowscriptaccess="never" allownetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never" src="http://img154.imageshack.us/slideshow/smilplayer.swf" width="426" height="320" name="smilplayer" id="smilplayer" bgcolor="008080" menu="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"

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ThE OnE WhO MaDe mY LifE A LiViNg hELL ooH WaIT ... tHaT wAS mE rEgREtS MaKe mE WiSer PaIn mAkEs Me StROnGEr HaTe iS wHaT kEEpS mE aLiVeaLL YoU guyz GiViN` Me dIRrTY LOokS LiKe YoU AiNt cArIN` FiVe MiNUtEs LatER ... WhY YoU StILL StArIN`??
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