Dah Teater-Performing in their workshops. ACTING/ COMEDY ACTING/COMEDY PERFORMER!WANT TO earn money to live comfortably and do what I do best for myself-Live creatively- I WANT AN ART STUDIO IN MY NEW FLAT WEN I EVENTUALLY BUY ONE!- Thats it. SO I can be locked in there for days on end like Van Gogh... Acting in short films/Comedy/Sketches/ Performing and writing Comedy,Acting for acting sake and contributing to the school of life! Wildlife, dogs, cats and smidgets (birds-they are fluffy and ruffled and then all of a sudden a sharp beak protudes and so I want to bite it's head off...I don't really.). oh and Tropical Birds!-Palm Cockatoos. In fact one fancies me and gave me an empty almond shell as a small courtship gift. If you don't believe me then go to Leeds Castle. My love will be sitting on a perch talking excessively to himself. Nice to have something in common with someone.Gifts from the heart are always a tear jerker.Celebrity culture (It's funny because most are in denial of their human condition!) Drawing and painting. I love weird people and I often get excited when I meet people I get on with. I like Men but i'm not pervy or anything...Drawing, painting and creating ;)
David Jason and species of Tropical rainforests/Jungles/Forests/parksA GREAT WHITE SHARK (In a cage of course)And I like meeting everyone when I wake up on the right side of the bed.
Dead Kennedys-Plastic Surgery Disasters/The Clash/Metallica/Beethoven symphany no.05/ Bach/Ludicrus/DnB/some eighties stuff/G'n'R/Thomas Newman/Stone Roses/Iron Maiden/Snoop Dogg/Editors/Jackie Brown soundtrack/Bugs: Infinite Syndrome/Johnny Cash/Jimi Hendrix/The Progidy/The Doors/Siousie and the Banshees and anything else that takes my fancy. This includes Mr. Blobby
Back To The Future Triology/Pulp Fiction/Reservior Dogs/Amelie/American Beauty/Batman Returns/Who Framed Roger Rabbit/Finding Nemo/Toy Story/Ice Age/South Park Bigger Better Uncut/Tomb Raider2/Silent Hill/Girl Interrupted/Drop Dead Fred/Head On/Xmen!!!/Tim Burton films like Edward Scissor hands/Watership Down/The Departed/Crank/Transamerica/Resident Evil 2/Shaun of the Dead
spaced/Lost/Touch of Frost/DENNIS PENNIS/South Park/Kerrang/Scuzz/Discovery Channel/Animal Planet/The Office/Bottom/The Young Ones/Gimme Gimme Gimme/Only Fools and Horses, Badly Dubbed Porn (I ain't pervy)
Noel Fielding-The Mighty BOosh/ Anthony
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The Colour Purple/encyclopedia/Humour On The Couch/The Blank Slate/Dr. Mukti and Other Tales of Woe by Will Self. Yep I don't read much- I'm like what the front man of Bad Religion calls 21st Century Digital Boy. I will read alot of Psychology books and once read about S-E-X. I'm not a perv or anything...
The squirrel that comes into the garden coz my mum sprayed it 5 times with the hose and it still returned. Andy Kauffman/DENNIS PENNIS/Richard Pryor/Bill Hicks/Matt Stone and Trey Parker/ Charlie Chaplin/Buster Keaton/MY BROTHER BECAUSE THERE IS NO ONE LIKE HIM- ONE OF THE MOST FUNNIEST PEOPLE I HAVE EVER MET. There was a picture here but I was told to get rid of it...People who aren't scared to be proud of who they are and are true to themselves.