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Hello my dear folk and welcome to my page...

About Me

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Myspace Graphics, Myspace LayoutsMy ambition in life is to entertain, experience as much as I possibly can, Then leave western civilization to experience the rest of the world and maybe live amongst wild life in a hut with a huge mosquito net over it. Because I dont like mozzies. I dont like leeches either or other blood sucking creatures. Actually my hut would have to have a fully working electric shower aswell. I can paint in peace then without having to worry about western concerns such as TAXES and materialistic garbage. Oh a good cd and dvd player would be handy too!

My Interests

Dah Teater-Performing in their workshops. ACTING/ COMEDY ACTING/COMEDY PERFORMER!WANT TO earn money to live comfortably and do what I do best for myself-Live creatively- I WANT AN ART STUDIO IN MY NEW FLAT WEN I EVENTUALLY BUY ONE!- Thats it. SO I can be locked in there for days on end like Van Gogh... Acting in short films/Comedy/Sketches/ Performing and writing Comedy,Acting for acting sake and contributing to the school of life! Wildlife, dogs, cats and smidgets (birds-they are fluffy and ruffled and then all of a sudden a sharp beak protudes and so I want to bite it's head off...I don't really.). oh and Tropical Birds!-Palm Cockatoos. In fact one fancies me and gave me an empty almond shell as a small courtship gift. If you don't believe me then go to Leeds Castle. My love will be sitting on a perch talking excessively to himself. Nice to have something in common with someone.Gifts from the heart are always a tear jerker.Celebrity culture (It's funny because most are in denial of their human condition!) Drawing and painting. I love weird people and I often get excited when I meet people I get on with. I like Men but i'm not pervy or anything...Drawing, painting and creating ;)

I'd like to meet:

David Jason and species of Tropical rainforests/Jungles/Forests/parksA GREAT WHITE SHARK (In a cage of course)And I like meeting everyone when I wake up on the right side of the bed.


Dead Kennedys-Plastic Surgery Disasters/The Clash/Metallica/Beethoven symphany no.05/ Bach/Ludicrus/DnB/some eighties stuff/G'n'R/Thomas Newman/Stone Roses/Iron Maiden/Snoop Dogg/Editors/Jackie Brown soundtrack/Bugs: Infinite Syndrome/Johnny Cash/Jimi Hendrix/The Progidy/The Doors/Siousie and the Banshees and anything else that takes my fancy. This includes Mr. Blobby


Back To The Future Triology/Pulp Fiction/Reservior Dogs/Amelie/American Beauty/Batman Returns/Who Framed Roger Rabbit/Finding Nemo/Toy Story/Ice Age/South Park Bigger Better Uncut/Tomb Raider2/Silent Hill/Girl Interrupted/Drop Dead Fred/Head On/Xmen!!!/Tim Burton films like Edward Scissor hands/Watership Down/The Departed/Crank/Transamerica/Resident Evil 2/Shaun of the Dead


spaced/Lost/Touch of Frost/DENNIS PENNIS/South Park/Kerrang/Scuzz/Discovery Channel/Animal Planet/The Office/Bottom/The Young Ones/Gimme Gimme Gimme/Only Fools and Horses, Badly Dubbed Porn (I ain't pervy) Noel Fielding-The Mighty BOosh/ Anthony

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The Colour Purple/encyclopedia/Humour On The Couch/The Blank Slate/Dr. Mukti and Other Tales of Woe by Will Self. Yep I don't read much- I'm like what the front man of Bad Religion calls 21st Century Digital Boy. I will read alot of Psychology books and once read about S-E-X. I'm not a perv or anything...


The squirrel that comes into the garden coz my mum sprayed it 5 times with the hose and it still returned. Andy Kauffman/DENNIS PENNIS/Richard Pryor/Bill Hicks/Matt Stone and Trey Parker/ Charlie Chaplin/Buster Keaton/MY BROTHER BECAUSE THERE IS NO ONE LIKE HIM- ONE OF THE MOST FUNNIEST PEOPLE I HAVE EVER MET. There was a picture here but I was told to get rid of it...People who aren't scared to be proud of who they are and are true to themselves.

My Blog

Narienne's Man Blog-So GO AWAY-Keep OUT

corrrrrrrrrr!!!! FORRR!     "Hello Freckles".FFFORRRRRRR! Look at his symmetrical face and masculine jawline and his cute floppy hair-CCCCCCCor! Stubble-mmmmmm  GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR MEOW&n...
Posted by Narin on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 05:27:00 PST

The new WaterShip Down has SUNK!

The ORIGINAL WATERSHIP DOWN IS AMAZING! It is a dark eerie film about the rabbits battle of survival, filled with blood and guts along the way. If they made one mistake, "they would catch you and kil...
Posted by Narin on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 02:48:00 PST