This scene is from a work in progress script, featuring the character Jonny R. Knightly. An East end gems dealer & husband to the Hollywood film & television star Kiayena Knightly. A socailite, mixing with prominent business people & dignatories by day. By dusk his sinister being awakens. This is definitely not somebody you would like to meet on " A Dark Knight". Matt Lemar, the latest in a string of their daughters boy friends, Jessica Knightly, is dreaming of becoming the new head of the household. A big Reservoir Dogs fan, he has delusions way above his station, he is inclined to drift off, a dreamer if you like. This flight of fancy, his ideal of becoming top dog is short lived as he is awoken by the harsh sounding, ear piercing high pitched beep...beeep...beeeep of his 6.30am alarm! It's back to reality! Fonthill Road market stall beckons.........or does it?