Music, soccer, intellectual folk, various forms of art, continuing to educate myself, studying Indigenous cultures, camping, hiking, traveling, supporting just causes, and enjoying what life has to offer!
Leonard Peltier-outside of the prison walls, Nelson Mandela, Willie Nelson, Woody Harrelson, Crazy Horse, Tom Robbins, and Animal from the Muppets
I heard the band Dead P.A. rocks purdy hard. My music collection is rich with a fun variety of styles. Here's a small sampling of what I've been jamming lately: NIN, 311, Postal Service, DMB, DNB, Beck, Jack Johnson, Coldplay, A-Dolts of course!, Hollowpoint (very old school), Jeff Buckley (RIP), Hendrix, Mayer, Massive Attack, Tortoise, Spearhead (cool guys!), Foo Fighters (Dave, we need to chat...why you no email me?), Audioslave (thanks for supporting Peltier!), RATM (ditto), Velvet Revolver, Modest Mouse, Mos Def, Nirvana, Ozomatli, QOTSA, Johnny Cash, Soul Coughing, Sublime, Black Eyed Peas, Wrench (my old band in Boston), and so many more!
Motorcycle Diaries, Fight Club, Office Space, Whale Rider, Waking Life, Emmanuel's Gift, Power of One, Wedding Crashers, Lonesome Dove miniseries, and The Teletubbies Meet Godzilla.
Though I rarely watch TV because I tend to rather spend my time doing other things, I have seen every episode of Six Feet Under, I'm awaiting the last season of The Shield, I dig CSI-Vegas, The Simpsons, Southpark, Family Guy, and some sports highlights shows (so I don't have to watch all the games...who has time for that?)
On the Road, Motorcycle Diaries, Televisionary Oracle, Travels in a Stone Canoe, Noble Red Man, Tipping Point, People's History of the USA, Ishmael, The 4 Agreements, Casteneda's collection, Prison Writings, Fast Food Nation, Best Democracy Money Can Buy, Michael Moore's books have been interesting, Webster's Dictionary, and so many more...
my parents, Harvey Arden, Leonard Peltier, the amazing teachers I have met along the way and the ones I've yet to meet, people who persevere against Injustice, Firefighers, and the Teletubbies.