About Me
Sri Mahashakti Shambhavi Ma she is a unknowed spiritual teacher from young age she was initiated in many spiritual paths and teachers ,her teachings are very vast like Bhakti Yoga,esoteric Yoga, Advaita Vedanta, Tantra ,and she is a giver of Shaktipad Diksha this only to true spiritual seekers.What is Kundalini Shaktipat?
Shaktipat is the descent of spiritual energy. Since energy is all pervading and is present in every particle of nature, the question arises, "Where does this energy come from and where does it go?"
The Guru is regarded to be spiritually more advanced than the disciple. When the higher spiritual power of Guru is transferred to the lower one of the disciple, it arises and activates the disciple's Chit-Shakti and makes it introspective. This awakening and activation is easily possible through Shaktipat.Shaktipat is a self-perfecting spiritual practice, in which the Kundalini power causes an initiate to perform kriyas (automatic movements) through the power of Kundalini itself. Therefore, its other name is Siddha-yoga, or "the self-proven path of meditation," in which it is the Shakti itself that performs the meditation.An initiate must not make any effort at all; one's duty is only to surrender. The time and characteristics of the manifestation of Shakti are solely the work of the divine power (Shakti) itself. To practice this type of meditation means that one must simply allow the divine power the opportunity to perform the meditation by itself.*****************************************************
You are welcome every sunday we will have satsang meetings based on discourse of Ma spiritual teaching and also on Shaktipata diksha spiritual awakening initiation, we can also arrange a one to one meeting with Ma any other days.The Program Satsang will start from 3pm till 6pm in Surrey.Shaktipad spiritual Initiation is affordable if you are interested in takin Diksha there is just a small donation to give it is very cheap but a very hig effective way to get spiritual realization.Before you take Diksha you must be aware that we have sume regulations that one must followo this are to followo the teachings ,and do sadhana spiritual practic, and have a vegetarian diet and do not smoke or take intossicants.The workshops and seminars that we run are also very affordable on Meditation, Cosmic Yoga, Tantra and Kriya Kundalini Yoga and if you dont have money you can attend for free.The projec:
The money will help us to run our workshops and to try to build a spiritual centre were people can live a spiritual life and do sadhana.
For any informations about the programs meetings and on workshops and any enquires message on this site .Hom Nama Shivaya!