[bbzSpace Dancing Lines]Hmmm... ya know, I don't really have anything to write down as far as "interests" go. What am I interested in right now. Well I've gotten into this html code shit a little bit... that seems like it could get me wrapped up for a min... As always music is my my main interest. I love hao one beat to the next takes care of whatever is going on in my mind. I need to get some mp3's dled on my phone so I can rock out anywhere though. Much love to those who ROCK ie. Jessica and her perfect pants, Leslie and the lies cuz she too good to be true, Jazzy Fizzle cuz don't nobody lick peanut butter off stuff as good as her, and the lady who gave me a ride home after the 17th mile.... MUCH LOVE!!!
click link below...U recieve one free realmusic ringtone for yourself (NO BULLSHIT) (NO FEES) (NOBULLSHIT) just creat a free account just like here on Myspace Make Your Own Ringtones and Wallpaperhmmm.... this is a tough one, i still havn't met any hot blonds who don't swallow, but maybe i wouldn't want to meet one of them. I'd love to have a sit down with Judas and find out why he fucked my boy Jesus. Anybody with a common love for the chron. AND of course DRAGONFORCE!
HARDCORE, Hip-Hop, R&B, and Techno kinda a wierd combo of shit to like I know. But I love them all.
HeFe'S qUoTeS...
YoU cAn NeVeR bE tOo SuRe Of HoW yOu ArE hOnEsTlY pErCiEvEd By ThOsE aRoUnD yOu ... It WiLl UsUaLlY sHoCk YoU!
Books huh, Don't read many. When I do it has to be Dean Koontz or James Patterson. Recently began reading the Big Book. I suggest reading the Big Book it has lots of good life shit in it.
Hero numero uno, My Father (the real superman). Numero dos Adam of Greyskull. COACH DeBoer