What's a Touch Device? You decide for yourself.
From the valleys and canals of New York City, from the coconut groves of Hoboken and the back alleys of Queens, slithering moistly out of the cracks between "normal" American culture and some obscure seemy crack bar in the middle of a deserted city come the members of the Device. Their mission is to make you feel that funny feeling you felt the first time you heard a tune on the radio you really dug. To raise the hairs on your nape and make you question your own judgement. To make you hungry for more music and greedy for the melody. The infamous Chaz Lombardi put this band together, gathering all of his favorite musicians to create Touch Device. Every day he hones the musical blade he invented to a razor-sharp point, made to slice through your consciousness. Touch Device knows how to make you move. Touch Device knows how to make you groove. Touch Device will reach into your soul and pluck out that one sound that you forgot you loved, and play it back for you like you've never heard it before.
Once you hear Touch Device, you won't be able to get enough.