I'm just a normal guy who likes to play the guitar, write some songs, listen to tunes, collect old stuff, play on the computer, drive my Subaru , drink Yuenglings , and have a good time.
Yeah. All of those above are my guitars. That's an old photo. The looks have changed on some of 'em, and I know what the square one is now. Actually, the Silvertone's not mine any more. I need to get some new photos of all my toys.
That's me and my girlfriend Bethany. We moved-in together about a year ago, and I asked here to marry me this past December. The wedding is Memorial Day weekend '08.
Check out my bands' MySpace profiles if you like all forms of punk, metal, & rock n' roll: Gasoline Dion (Adrenaline-fueled High Octane Punk N' Roll - could be described as punk & metal having sex in rock n' roll's bed) & AiXeLsyD (Soutwestern PA Sloppy Pop Punk Rock)
Help pimp us...
Oh yeah, about the posts with W(aL)D in the front of them... That stands for World (and Lunar) Domination. What's that? Well, that's when I reply to spammers... or write nonsensical e-mails to companies for some reason, or to air legitimate complaints about customer service. It started a while back as insanity, and will continue that way... only sometimes now with some real substance & results.
Buy merch from Gasoline Dion at www.zazzle.com/gasolinedion
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Buy merch from AiXeLsyD at www.zazzle.com/aixelsyd
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For all the AiXeLkyDz still out there... Click the shit above to get three free albums of old-ass AiXeLsyD stuff! Hit the AiXeLsyD MySpace page or the Head Records MySpace page for details.