Fiendfuck A Go-Go profile picture

Fiendfuck A Go-Go

Go to FASHION CRISIS for all your fashion crisis needs! And Now Also FIENDFUCK A GO-GO Cuffs & C

About Me

PLEASE CHECK OUT MY MUSIC PAGE, dIVISION THIRTEEN 13(Jacket $29)(Shirts $16)(Cuffs/Wristbands $5-8

My Interests

This is all uniquely self-designed, created or altered. They can contain slight imperfections, and this is what makes them beautifully original. FIENDFUCK A GO-GO ALSO DOES CUSTOM ORDERS SIMILAR TO THOSE ALREADY MADE FOR A SMALL ADDITONAL CHARGE!!!! EXCHANGES, OR RETURNS FOR STORE CREDIT ARE AVAILABLE ON ANY UNUSED ITEMS WITHIN A MONTH OF THE RECIEPT OF YOUR ORDER. FIENDFUCK, HOWEVER, DOES NOT MAKE REFUNDS. prices and products may be subject to change. Try to find a better deal anywhere else. Seriously, try. It’s a dare.Inspired by MILES OF ISOLATION, seclusion, boredom and poverty. Producing the most beautiful undernourished fetus I had ever seen, fiendfuck a go-go.Everything by mark division.

I'd like to meet:

++++I would like to meet someone to help me fix a page, if you know how to and would like to help, let me know++++(Skirts $19-27)(Chokers /Collars $6-13)(Sleeves $3-9)If you would like to be on the TOP FIENDS LIST, add me to yours and write back to let me know. (order does not nessesarily mean anything)



Pimp out your webpage with PimpWebpage

feel welcome to leave any comments, messages, give shameless promotion, etc. if you love me, tell your friends, if you hate me then tell your enemies; as prizes may be sent to those with the best show of support, so keep your hands free and your mouths open. love, mark division [email protected]

My Blog

Custom Designs And Questions

Keep in mind I do custom orders as well with most things similar to those already made.  Any questions are welcome. xx [email protected]...
Posted by Fiendfuck A Go-Go on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 06:36:00 PST