Travel! PIRATES!!! Animal rights, Being Vegan, protesting the abhorrent abuse of power the governament and it's affiliate companies have over the health and well being of all living things,Occult, belly dancing,Painting,Sexing, Vinyl clothes, mental foreplay,strangulation, Smoking during sexual acts, blues,Swing, singing, jazz, big band, pin up art, cheese cake art, Art, poetry, clothing design, bondage, Wearing too much makeup, mohawks,skateboarding,piercings,tattoos, Heavy metal, black metal, crust punk, psychobilly, psychology, thinking, dreaming, bedding, sex, stockings, high heels, platforms, computers, painting, pornography, corsets, girdles, garters, keyboards, bass, singing, cameras, film, anorexia,eating, food, picnics, the cat's pajamas, cooking, baking, fake hair, real hair, dread locks, shaved heads, women, men, sweet transvestites, critters, Industrial music, Rivet heads,noise core, non-traditional being, Bleeding, snowboarding, voodoo, dolls, photography, tupperware, ludes, roleplay (yes that kind silly), dancing, walking, talking, seredipidous moments... width="425" height="350" .. ....
Artists, musicians, inventors, rethinkers, tinkerers,mad persons, arsonists, train hoppers, piercers, tattooists, shaved persons, lovers, haters, world dominators, the evil twin, fetishists, opportunists, dumpster divers, The real deal. People interested in the things I tend to be interested in. Anyone that has something worthwhile to contribute to my life. I'm not interested in television or the kinds or people it creates. If you don't like to read, or only read celeb mags, we have nothing to talk about so don't bother me. People that see humor in train wrecks, people that see the beauty of maggots as the eat away the rotten pieces, people that want more than a hand-job in the stop and steal. If that hurts you/disagrees with your palette/ generally makes you ill, you can eat broken glass. Oh and I have no inclination to tie you to a stove and throw tomatoes at you... It just wouldn't do anything for me XP.. width="425" height="350" .. ....
Myspace Layouts at / Pink Smoke - Image Hosting
Yes, I like music, some examples include...industrial (i.e., combichrist, skinny puppy, hocico),noise core ( rats in the attic), hardcore (i.e., kid 606, danger mouse), black metal (old man's child, rotting christ), electro clash, some small amount of techno, drum and bass, I'll update this later... strial-Music-Videos-of-All-Time.html
Oh gimme cartoons or give me death! Anything Horror. Anything Satanic. Anything J-Horror. Anything with the undead of any variety. Monster movies. Indie flicks. Exploitation fims. Hardcore fetish/restricition/male submissive/twisted pornography. Henti. Bukkake. The list goes on and on...
Educational programming (physics, dinosaurs, true crime, stories you know...) Sci-fi channel, Discovery, Spike, Comedy central...I like blood guts gore and people who are really stupid and "good looking" jumping up and down making asses out of themselves soley for my pleasure. BUt really I haven't watched TV in some years now.
as many as possible... still reading. Some of my tastes include, Bukowski, Burroughs, Ginsburg, LaVey, Crowley, Gaiman, Moorcock, Palahniuk,Kafka, classical philo, classical medical text books, yeah yeah yeah...
Marilyn Monroe, Anton LaVey, Jayne Mansfield, Charlie Chaplin, Sylvia Plath, Jackie Chan, Princess Do May,Glen Benton, Danzig, Lilith, Ishtar, Satan, Oscar the Grouch, Count Von Count, Gypsy Rose, Lili St. Cyr, Ella Fitzgerald, Diana dors, Karen Clem, Mata Hari, Bettie Page, Blanche Barton, Dita Von Teese, Lewis Carrol, Heidegger, Willy Wonka, Edgar Allen Poe, PJ Harvey, Dax Riggs, Yoshitoshi Abe, Napoleon, The last unicorn, Stephen Hawking, Bruce Lee, Madame Butterfly...