Satyr Icon® profile picture

Satyr Icon®

A Good Friend, Bad Influence and Major Distraction

About Me

I am a massage therapist, holistic health practitioner and also a writer, making all three viable careers.~~ Completely Aquarius.~~ I am fun to be around, gregarious, and always making everyone laugh. But I also have a serious side that surprises everyone. People think that I alway keep things light BUT I really take things to heart, very compassionate and caring. If you are hurting, you can bet I am trying to make you forget about your problems with a laugh.~~My humorous streak hides a very romantic nature....I may leave a goofy note, or a haiku about how wonderful you are ! I am open minded and nothing really fazes me!

Please check out My Smallville fanfiction archive at: The Satyr Icon's Chlark AU Fan Fiction

"In 2005, ' Carnival ', a fun Chlark romp that came in at over 60,000 words, garnered massive appeal for Me and My writing. Now in 2006, I am quite pleased that " Somebody Save Me ", a darker piece about Chloe Sullivan that came in at just 416 words, can strike a chord with readers, new and old, and that My story captured The Smallville Awards' Best Drabble - People's Choice Award ...Thank you all that voted for Me, and God Bless America."
- The Satyr Icon
December 21, 2006

My Interests

My Voice is Love

Me Being a Distraction is Love

Me Being On Your Mind is Love

Seduction is Love

Frolicking is Love

Blondes are Love

Bad Girls are Love

My Mischief is Love

Southern California is Love

My Silliness is Love

Being an Aquarius is Love

I'd like to meet:

People that can can inspire My writing or career and of course...

Hayden Panettiere


Christina Aguilera is Love

Britney Spears is Love Anything...old, new, '50's, '60's, '70's, '80's, '90's, '00's....techno, house, trance...


Comedy, Classic Black and White films, Dramas, Documentaries


My Fave Television Shows


Beyond Logic And Reason:
Love Stories by The Satyr Icon

x-x-x-x-x .......................... The Satyr Icon's Chlark AU Fan Fiction

.....The Satyr Icon's Joker-Harley Quinn Fan Fiction


Hayden Panettiere is Love

Allison Mack is Love

My Blog

Song for the Month: Stumblin In

Many of Us can hear a song and it will instantly take Us to a certain place or a time, or make of think of a certain person. Why? My guess is that that place, time, or certain person made such in impr...
Posted by Satyr Icon® on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 06:38:00 PST

Personality Test Time!

Advanced Global Personality Test Results Extraversion |||||||||||||||| 63% Stability |||| 16% Orderliness |||||||||||| 50% Accommodation |||||||||||| 50% Interdependence |||||||||||| 5...
Posted by Satyr Icon® on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 06:07:00 PST

Pantheon Redux

PantheonWHIZ's Billy Batson follows a story to Smallville and teams up with Chloe...Captain Marvel and Clark team up as well...Returned to and revised!Status Update:Chapter One of Many ChaptersWord To...
Posted by Satyr Icon® on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 11:53:00 PST

The Bittersweet Ballad of Pete Ross - COMPLETED

I finally completed My Chlark story, The Bittersweet Ballad of Pete Ross!There were lots of revisions to older chapters, so the story is worth the re-read, or you can read the all shiny and new versio...
Posted by Satyr Icon® on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 11:54:00 PST

Threat Level: Dusk - The Office Chat Fic

Title: Threat Level: DuskAuthors: the_satyr_icon> and kdsch123Permission to Archive: You only have to askCategory: The Office, het_fic, IM_fic, Michael-JanGenre: HetroRating:PG-13Summary: Michael's sc...
Posted by Satyr Icon® on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 10:34:00 PST

Not Gould - A Michael/Jan Office Fic

Title: Not GouldAuthors: The Satyr IconPermission to Archive: You only have to askCategory: The Office, het_fic, Michael-JanGenre: HetroRating: PG-13Summary: You are Jan Levinson-Gou..wait, it's not G...
Posted by Satyr Icon® on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 06:31:00 PST

IM Into You - The Office Chat Fic

Title: IM Into YouAuthors: the_satyr_icon and kdsch123Permission to Archive: You only have to askCategory: The Office, het_fic, IM_fic, Michael-JanGenre: HetroRating:PG-13Summary: Michael sends instan...
Posted by Satyr Icon® on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 06:26:00 PST

The Birthday Icon

I'd like to thank all those that sent Me birthday wishes today, either thru snail mail or over the interwebz, and thank you's to those for the presents and gifts sent to Me, as well, especially the gi...
Posted by Satyr Icon® on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 04:00:00 PST

Something I wish I You To wishestoremainanonymousby BrokenWingsRedemptionWhy don't you gnaw on the hand that feedsThe poisoned apples you so badly need.All that you rely on, sweet...
Posted by Satyr Icon® on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 02:30:00 PST

Satyr Icon® Wins Smallville Award!

"In 2005, 'Carnival', a fun Chlark romp that came in at over 60,000 words, garnered massive appeal for Me and My writing. Now in 2006, I am quite pleased that "Somebody Save Me", a darker piece about ...
Posted by Satyr Icon® on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 10:57:00 PST