Grandpa Grover we love you!
Create Your Own!My Sister is Amazingly Adorable!Stuff I like: (not necessarily in this order)- Crocheting, -camping with family, -Smallville freak, -Chlark, -smiley faces, -tie die, -candles, -colors of red from pink to black cherry, -Ford’s, -Old #7, -shooting guns, -wind chimes, -music from bluegrass to rap, -internet surfer, -jukeboxes, -CSI type stuff, -Shepherd’s Chapel, -meat, -porch swings, -lots of sunlight, -swimming/jacuzzi, -bumper stickers (just not on my car), -positive attitudes (with people attached), -electronic gadgets, -odd ways of thinking, -making things out of other things, -yard sales, -coffee (with cream), -when people get what they deserve (good or bad), -President Bush (W), -cartoons, -back rubs, -old people that aren’t bitter, -watching my kids enjoy anything, -watching my kids become responsible, -watching my kids use common sense, -when my husband is selfless, -memories (good and bad), -connecting past and present (all things work for good), -truth tellers of all kinds, -‘can do’ type people, -seeing old friends do well, -people who are grateful, -people succeeding when they were told they couldn’t do it (underdogs), -people trying when they were told they couldn’t do it, -my parents enjoying my kids, -that my kids have some of my traits too, -my job and most of my coworkers, -the USA, -genealogy, -mental health, -cowboy attitudes, -boots, -flip flops, -lava lamps, -neon signs, -freebies, -Dr. Pepper (diet & regular&flavored), -containers (all shapes and sizes), -paper’s (to do lists and checklists, etc.), -watches (even though I don’t usually wear one) & clocks, -maps & globes, -sparkly things, -looking at the stars (in the sky), -when my husband treats me like a woman, -when my husband treats me like one of the guys, -pictures of people (even if I don’t know them), -campfires, -driving through the country, -jumping in leaves, -walking in the rain barefoot, -jumping in puddles, -blowing bubbles, -very talented people who are honestly humble, -girly girl stuff, -tomboy things, -puzzles, -my basset (most of the time), -daydreaming, -banana splits (yum), -understanding complicated things, -yoga, -well placed silence,- hugs & kisses, -being told ‘I love you’, -something being done (without asking), -knowing exactly what they are thinking (then saying it and the look on their faces), -me (most of the time)
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glitter-graphics.comLord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.