Relish (verb) 1. derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in; "She relished her fame and basked in her glory Appreciate (verb) 1. to value or regard highly; place a high estimate on: to appreciate good wine. Treasure (verb) 1. hold dear; "I prize these old photographs" Revere (verb) 1. love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol; "Many teenagers idolized the Beatles" Enjoy (verb) 1. to find or experience pleasure for (oneself): She seems to enjoy herself at everything she does.Dream (noun) 1. A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep
FRIENDS! A friend is a lover, literally. The relationship between Latin amicus "friend" and amo "I love" is clear, as is the relationship between Greek philos "friend" and phileo "I love." In English, though, we have to go back a millennium before we see the verb related to friend. At that time, freond, the Old English word for "friend," was simply the present participle of the verb freon, "to love." The Germanic root behind this verb is *fri-, which meant "to like, love, be friendly to." Closely linked to these concepts is that of "peace," and in fact Germanic made a noun from this root, *frithu-, meaning exactly that. Ultimately descended from this noun are the personal names Frederick, "peaceful ruler," and Siegfried, "victory peace." The root also shows up in the name of the Germanic deity Frigg, the goddess of love, who lives on today in the word Friday, "day of Frigg," from an ancient translation of Latin Veneris dies, "day of Venus."