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Damian Cole


About Me

Defeating Big Jon Wall for the N.E.W. Worlds championship has made my seven years of blood sweat tears and broken bones all worth it!!!! MyGen Profile GeneratorProfile GeneratorProfile Generator

My Interests

You mean besides wrestling??!!Pin-up's, photography,video games, myspacing, viral videos, chatting, comic books, Tattoos.

I'd like to meet:

Steve "Sting" Borden, he more than anyone else has inspired me to be a wrestler. Elvis, yeah I know Elvis is dead but he was the greatist show-man of all time, and what wrestler alive wouldn't want to know how to captivate the audience the way he did? Evel Kenevel, he was just plane nuts, not salted or honey roasted' but nuts. But in reality Ide love to meet other wrestlers and wrestling fans on myspace and shamlessly self promote my self :D


In your face METAL!, Tecno, Club, Dance, Hip-Hop, and Crunky, as long as it has a good beat and some decent bass
Year of Desolation (Featuring Mike V.)


Beyond the Mat, Forever Hardcore, No Holds Barred, All the Halloweens, Friday the 13th (all of them) The Omen, Amitiville Horror, Almost all "B-rate" Horror movies Star Wars (the Original Trillogy ruled my young life) and Episodes two and three. Clerks I & II Mallrats, Dogma, Chasing Amy, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Viva Las Vegas.


I dont watch much T.V. but I love "Lost" and Law and Order SVU, Jackass,T-N-A' Impact, and anything on G4!


I dont read alot but I LOVE Steven Kings works, and all of Tolkiens books (the Hobbit is far and away the best) Dante's Inferno. Read A Book



My Blog

dot com or my-space

     I'm pondering taking my freebie "geocities" site and upgrading to a dot com. My problem is I am receiving so much traffic through  "myspace"  I don't know if it woul...
Posted by Damian Cole on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 06:56:00 PST