Full Time Job
Director of Marketing/Public Relations
(A Company that plans Classical Music Concerts in Miami)
Part- Time Jobs - Wut can I say I am a workaholic. I'll rest when I'm dead.Icy PR- Publicist
Graphics Designer- icyworks.com
Producer/Host- Nigeria International
and to think I used to despise myspace.. goodness now I'm addicted lol! go figure lol!". I live to reach my fullest potential... if you're with me on this one, add me to your list. I will never be content with just doing a good job.. I strive to do a great job...why be okay when I can be better and then aim for being the best. (Typical VIRGO hahahaha )I dream in color, I think in color at 90MPH so accelerate your mind to understand the creativity. I live for God to teach me and then use my life as an example... Spirituality is my food! God is my reason every single day. Don't ever be too proud to get on your knees and pray. You'll be amazed at your answers. Stay grounded but still have a ton of fun. You can stand for God and still be cool. ;)ACCESS GRANTED (you have to type this out in your browser:
icyworks.com - My Design website, Color inspires.
www.icyangel.com - My personal website. Soon to be no more. My space is good enough lol!
icypr.com - My PR company. A team of 5 fantastic publicists.
icyafricana.com - Project in Progresss, slightly on holdp:s: ICY was the name of my pet Iguana. Sentimental value lol!ICY... it's my Destiny.. I get it now... I really do!LOVEMYFLASH CODE /LOVEMYFLASH CODE