ice skating, horses, writing, publishing, graphic arts, fun, sci-fi movies, atkins, lo-carb, exercise, cats, ballinese and burmese cats, 80s music, new wave, punk, modern rock, black shirts and red ties (yum). I have this thing about guys with black eye shadow. I have no clue. Don't ask. LOL.
other erotic romance authors and readers to chat about books. Marianne had the right idea as well...I would LOVE to meet that sexy dark wizard with the long, silvery hair. Even Lucius Malfoy must have a tender side and I intend to find it! LOL.
The Cure
Green Day
Depeche Mode
David Bowie
Demolition Man
Independence Day
CSI: Miami & LV
Criminal Minds
The Evidence. I really only like this because of the location.
I'm really ticked that FOX removed Killer Instinct. Being from San Francisco, I loved this show and the actor was simply adorable. Grrr!
Without a Trace
Anything Stark Trek
Creature Features (Bob Wilkins, where are you?!?!)
I dare not say! I have many favorite books and I know many authors. :-) Each book has a special uniqueness and quality of its own. I love dark fantasy, vampire, paranormal, thrillers, and horror. These can be under the umbrella of a mainstream audience or erotic romance. If your characters are going to take their pants off though, they better finish the job. ;-)
My mom. She's the best person in the world.