Lea Ann profile picture

Lea Ann

There Is No Remedy For Love, But To Love More

About Me

Now that the hustle and bustle of Christmas is over it's New Year's Eve. No New Year's resolutions for me. I always end of breaking them anyway. But I do hope that you recieve all that your heart desires in 2007. I wish for peace to come around the world. I wish for you and yours to be healthy and happy. That any events that happen in your lives be dealt with to a happy ending. I've enjoyed every minute of my time here in 2006. Now I'm looking forward to another great year with you and hopefully meet some new friends. Happy New Year My Friends, from snowy Colorado
First of all I want to say how honored I am that you chose my page to visit. Come often and stay as long as you like. Second I want to tell you that we are a real family residing in Evergreen, CO. But there are no pictures of our family or myself here. We chose to do this because of the internet pornography and "perverted" people that troll the internet looking for victims. I have 4 + 1 children and I would hate for any of their pictures to show up on a kiddie porn site. That being said, enjoy your visit and come often~Lea Ann~
I was born in Piggott Arkansas, (yes, I said Piggott) but I was raised in St. Louis, MO. When I was little I spent my summers in Arkansas with my Grandparents. They lived in town but the town didn't have many people. I remember right down the road was nothing but open space and fields. My grandparents had an orchard with all kinds of fruit trees and they had a huge garden. I have some really fond memories of Arkansas. One of my favorites is going to the corner store for a strawberry cream soda. Today if I drink one of those I can almost smell my grandparents. The other found memory I have is eating cocoa gravy over bisquits for breakfast. Hey, don't knock it til you try it. LOL I was one of three children but the only one that survived. So I'm an only child who is learning to raise 4 children of my own. And as if that wasn't punishment enough (LOL) we have another teenager that stays with us about 75% of the time. So we have 2-16 year old girls(one ours), a 12 year old boy, and then since we thought we needed more punishment we had 2 more. Meaghan is 4 and Joshua is 2 1/2. LOL What were we thinking? I was married before and lived in South Carolina. Columbia to be exact. I loved it there but couldn't stand the heat. I have a beautiful, loving and very helpful 16 year old daughter from that marriage so I can't really regret it. I'm re-married to a wonderful, loving, kind and caring Scotsman, and have been for 13 years. My husband, children and I live in Evergreen, CO. We love the mountains but have very little time to explore them. Funny how we live in ski country but none of us ski. We're more the sit by the fire and drink hot chocolate type of family. We love to watch movies together during snow storms. For 3 years we watched Lord of the Rings in the winter around November. Thats when they released the DVD's for the movies, so we would buy the movies and then all cuddle up in the livingroom with blankets and watch the 3 1/2 hour version. My husband and I have been in Colorado about the same amount of time, approx. 18 years. Thankfully all of our children were born here. We have no plans to leave this beautiful place but you never can tell what the future holds.
One of the most wonderful interests I have it my husband! He's my lover, my best friend, my soul mate! He's my strength, my shoulder to cry on. He's been my reason for finding my Faith and Belief in God again. He's given me the most beautiful children in the world. {yes, i'm biased} He's gentle, kind, loving and Thank God patient. Because I could test a Saint's patience! lol He's loyal, firm, strong in his convictions. He's my everything and I love him beyond words. We've been together for 14 years and have gone through some pretty horrible trials. We have friends who tell us that they are suprised that we stay together because of all the strife that comes against us. Now, I can't tell you that we don't fight or argue. We are a normal couple trying to figure out how to co-exist together. LOL- But the one thing we try to do at all times is put ourselves in the other ones position and imagine how it much be standing on the other side. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. But through it all we remain respectful of each other and God, our relationship and our family come first. We always find a way to work it out. Thanks Babe for taking me and helping me to be the woman and wife I am today. For giving me the life I have and the love you give. I Love You!
My other interests are my children of course. When I was younger my whole goal in life was to be a wife and mother. It wasn't the fairy tale kind I was after. I just wanted to be a wife to a man that cared about me, my wants, dreams, desires, etc. I just wanted to be a mother to my children and to teach them the things that I knew from experience. To learn together the new things life had to offer and to grow older while they grew up. To watch them experience life, love, dreams, even pains and loss. When my older children were born I worked 50-60 hours a week and missed so much. I worked while someone else watched them take their first steps, their first fall, words, challenges etc. I was suppose to be working towards a better life for them but was missing the life we had now. With the little ones I have now I'm a stay-at-home MOM. The difference in the two sets of kids is AMAZING! They are so different. Not in a good or bad way just different. I'm blessed to be able to see all of my kids develope and grow. They are my heart and soul and I would do anything for them. Through them I have learned to love, except, laugh, cry, be brave, pray and just all around be a better person. I love them with by whole being and would hope to be there for them always. I also hope that I may learn to accept with grace and love the choices that they make in their lives as they get older. Unconditional Love is so important. If we've taught them value, love, faith, the differences between right and wrong, then we've done a good job. The rest is up to them. And I hope that when those days come I can except the choices that they've made. I love you guys, even though you drive me to distraction most of the time. A Mother's Love: There is nothing in this world I believe that is stronger.
I have an Angel Daughter and her name is Wendy. She's here on MySpace and we met through a mutual friend. She's the most awesome person! She's been through a lot in her short life and yet has still managed to come through with a smile for humanity and Faith beyond any I have ever known. She's so funny and makes me laugh even when I don't want to. She's got an attentive heart. She know's when I'm down and need cheering up or just an ear to listen. She's the daughter I wish I had with me always. I have 2 of my own, and one we have more than almost adopted and my Angel Daughter would made a fantastic older sister to them. They could learn so much from her! She doesn't live near us but we talk everyday and she's always, always, always on my mind and in my heart. I love her unconditionally and without a doubt can not wait til the day that I can put my arms truly around her and tell her that she has been loved all this time and that I'm here for her always. I Love You My Angel Daughter Wendy.
As I mentioned earlier, we live in Evergreen, Co. That's about 45 miles west of Denver. We love it up here. The mountain atmosphere is wonderful but yet not too far from the Denver life. Though the town has 3 major grocery store chains we are just now gettin a Super Walmart built on the outskirts of town. Personally, I will love that so I won't have a need to go into Denver much anymore. Though the city is beautiful, once you've been up in the mountain, the traffic of the city starts to get to you. Our children love it up here too. They can explore, rock climb, ice skate on the lake, go fossil hunting, do all sorts of "kids" awesome things. We have an over abundance of wildlife here which required teaching our children rules that you don't need in the city. We have a bear that visits in the summer time and loves to rearrange our back porch. We have a refrigerator out there so of course he comes for dinner now and again. Almost nothing stops a bear when they smell food. We have raccoons, coyotes, elk, deer, mountain lions, hawks, chipmonks, black squirrels {which are very agressive}, and the usual bunny rabbits all over the place. To ensure that the children understand respect for the wildlife we had to make sure they understood the basics of how things worked in the woods and up here in the mountains. It's been a learning experience for all of us but we sure love it!! We love Denver just as much without the traffic though. LOL-We hope someday you will come and visit. There is so much to see here and we really do have "purple mountains majesty". Hope to see you soon!!

My Interests

You Are Rain

You can be warm and sexy.
Or cold and unwelcoming.
Either way, you slowly bring
out the beauty around you.

You are best known for:
Your Touch

Your dominant state:
Ever Changing

One of my immense pleasures of living in Colorado is the history that abounds here. The Durango Silverton Railroad still runs up in the mountains. Below is a short slideshow and history of it.

I also like to go on daytrips into the mountains. One of my favorite places to got is Grand Lake. It's close enough to drive to and spend the day driving around and enjoying the many activities that can be found there. Mostly I just for for the peacefullness and beautiful scenery.

I'd like to meet:

I would like you to meet a couple of friends of mine. They have some interesting things going on and I want to share it with you.This is Joni, My Personal Angel and Friend:
She has an interesting website set up called: Love In A Basket. She sells love gift baskets, lingerie and more. Go check it out and you might find something for yourself or that someone in your life. She can be found at:
This is Mellow my wonderful, loving friend:

Mellow has set up a website on MySpace just for the graphics that she does. They are awesome! She has done some for me and I'm really impressed with them. I like being able to send a comment to a friend with my name on it. Check out one of them that she did for me:

So if you like this one go see Mellow and maybe she'll have something to make for you. She can be found by clicking the below picture to get to her graphics site.

Happy hunting everyone!

You Are a Visionary Soul

You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness.
Connected to all things spiritual, you are very connected to your soul.
You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable.
Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark feelings.

You have great vision and can be very insightful.
In fact, you are often profound in a way that surprises yourself.
Visionary souls like you can be the best type of friend.
You are intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and a good healer.

Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul

"Your silent tents of green
We deck with fragrant flowers;
Yours has the suffering been,
The memory shall be ours."
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Barrancas National Cemetery
Pensacola Florida.
Photos By Daniel J. Wood

What kind of eyes do you have?

You Have Eden Eyes.
Eden is the color of water. Your eyes symbolize your great flexibility. You are a creative person. You can think of many good ways to get your point across to people as you have very good communication abilities. When someone feels down or hurt, you have the remarkable ability to help them and heal them. If you have too little going on in your life, you may be withdrawn and depressed, timid, stubborn or suspicious. Some words to describe you: peaceful, sincere, affectionate, tranquil, intuitive, trustworthy, pure, loyal, healing, and stable.

CURRENT MOON moon info
So My Friends: This is my story. I've enjoyed sharing it with you and I hope that you'll come by often. While your here leave a little piece of yourself to let me know that you stopped by. I wish only the best for you and yours. Love To All,

"In Dreams, Life Takes Shape" Dream Often & Live Life

I Have A Big Family!

My Angel




Lady of Avalon

Briar Rose


Fairy Dust


Almost Heaven

The Lady of Shalott

Lady of the Sea

Dragon Master


Heart Strings

Red Heart




Lost Children

~Summer Faith~




Dark Knight

2nd Star2Right




Rain of Light


~Messy Mir~



Dragon Lord

O'Reilly diyINcite


Queen of the Dragonflys




Lisa 2


Angel of a Broken Heart


Follow Your Dreams




Weird Stephanie













MyStIcAl IzAbElLa

November Rain



"When All Else Fails, Love Prevails"


Winter Dream


Visit More Of My Family


Let's see, my taste in music is very vast. I likes all kinds of music. I was a child growing up in the late 70's and 80's so I still love to listen to the music from that time. Especially the 80's. I like Christian Pop music, New Age music. Country, Pop, Rock, and even some of the music that my teenagers are listening to now. There would just be too many to list.


My taste in movies is really off. I love action drama movies. But horror makes me have nightmares. I love romantic suspense movies but don't like chick flicks. I love comedies but can't stand movies like Police Academy and The Naked Gun. My husband tells me that's just wrong.{lol} I love to watch B-rated science fiction movies on the sci-fi channel on Saturday morning. They run those movies all day and into the night. Believe me, I could lay in bed and watch them all that time. I don't much like to go out to the movies. I do still enjoy going to the drive-inn. We still have 2-3 her in Colorado. There are a variety of movies coming out this summer that I would like to see but I'll catch them on DVD.


Rocky Mountain Reflections Photography, Inc.
Andy Cook is a regionally known landscape photographer who captures images of Colorado, Wyoming and Utah as well as many other locations he visits. His photographs are spellbinding images of both recognizable features and obscure landscapes.



My Blog

Life's Most Beautiful Gifts

Life's Most Beautiful Gifts A friend is a person you can trust, who won't turn away from you; a friend will be there when you need someone, and will come to you when you need ...
Posted by Lea Ann on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 03:19:00 PST

The Angels

THE ANGELS May the angels keep you til morning. May they guide you through the night. May they comfort all your sorrows. May they help you win the fight. May they keep watch on your soul. May th...
Posted by Lea Ann on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 05:25:00 PST

I Believe

I BELIEVE I believe in miracles and dreams that will come true. I believe in tender moments and friendship, through and through. I believe in stardust and moonbeams all aglow. I believe there's mag...
Posted by Lea Ann on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 05:16:00 PST

What Signs Fit You

Your true element and what ithas to say about you. created by Dorie_crapo  Your Results: Earth Sign   ~EARTH~Your Earth! Wise, solitary, mysterious and loving. You are very wise. Your wis...
Posted by Lea Ann on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 05:13:00 PST

Appreciation of Life

To A Keeper! One day a mother died. And on that clear, cold morning,In the warmth of her bedroom, The daughter was struck with The pain of learning that sometimesThere isn't any more. No mor...
Posted by Lea Ann on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 08:30:00 PST


Love To You All, Lea Ann ...
Posted by Lea Ann on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 11:02:00 PST


My Special Angel She's always watching over me,I feel her presence near,She's always here to listen,And guide me through my fears.She's a very special angel,One God choose just for me,She was o...
Posted by Lea Ann on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 07:40:00 PST


Winter Beauty When it's winter in the Valley and my breath hangs in the air, The snow will crunch beneath my feet and glisten in the air. The stars at night light up my world so I never walk alon...
Posted by Lea Ann on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 11:23:00 PST


How silently they tumble downAnd come to rest upon the groundTo lay a carpet, rich and rare,Beneath the trees without a care,Content to sleep, their work well done,Colors gleaming in the sun. At o...
Posted by Lea Ann on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 04:43:00 PST

The Death of a Friend . . .

The Death of a Friend Dear Friends, I had a wonderfulman on my page that passed away onSeptember 30, 2006. I just wantedto post this in remembrance of him. Rest In Peace My Friend. Frankie Paladino...
Posted by Lea Ann on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 10:14:00 PST