I enjoy being mellow hanging with friends and smoking away
I like to meet someone who is intresting and not lame or boring
I listen to whatever i am in the mood for i like all kinds of music
My most favorite movie is White Castle i love that movie
That 70's show, Home improvement,Nip Tuck, alot more just cant think of all of them right now
Bad boys is my favorite bookTake the quiz:
Which Far out 60's-70's band are you?
Jimi Hendrix
YOUR JIMI HENDRIX! Your definately a dreamer and work hard to fulfill your goals. Your artsy, talented and mysterious!!
adopt your own virtual pet!
What Kind of Music Are You? :::pics:::
Hip Hop
You enjoy the simple, new age pleasures of life. You worship music that requires no talent at all and you idolize people who should be despised...people like Paris Hilton who gets paid for being dumb. You're all about cars and ladies and pimp and bling. Chances are you don't even know what the word pimp actually means.
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com
Which Far out 60's-70's band are you?
Pink Floyd
You are PINK FLOYD! This means your deep yet misunderstood...and the hard core drugs don't help either.
What kind of foreplay are you?
Woohoo! You kinky freak!! You LOVE PDA's. You're the kinda person that has sex on a park bench or that makes out in the back seat of a cop car. You like to have Your Pornstar Name is:
Yvonne Snow
Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com AWESOME hamster dancing
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My hero is Superman (LoL)