My Kawaski, but then any bike'll do. Reading, gardening somewhat, ponds/fish. And computers have been in my life for the last 20 years.
Alizee' - A French Pop Singer, Sarah Brightman, the most beautiful voice.
A new love - Sarah Brightman - The Voice! Alizee' again. Country and good Gospel is tied for second. OK, just got turned on to Enya. Her music has a haunting appeal. Simple rythems, but such a unique way of presenting them. She's giving Alizee a run for her money.
My all time favorite is The Sting. The original Invaders from Mars.(Ok, got it...and had a good laugh that it scared me so much as a kid.) The newer ones have so much graphics and animation, you start wondering why you came it is so unrealistic.
Ahhhh, Star Trek, the original and The Next Generation, but not in that order. The most watched program is Fox News. They really do a great job, most of the time. I could honestly do without televison.
Am into fiction now. Mystery, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Spy, you name it.