Art, Music and Filmmaking....
People with their own ideas, creativity and a positive but down to earth attitude.
Be you! cause noone else can!CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR FILM CREW ACTORS AND ACTRESSES FOR SOME SHORT FILMS THIS SUMMER!!!!!!!!!! email me for details!!!!!
Lots and Lots of music.. anything that is artistically written and played. NO American idol crap.. no rap!! hell i can take someone else's music, add some beats from a drum machine and add some rhymes about booty and money.. i want creativity damn it.!!!KAKI KING ROCKS MAN!!!!!!!!!!Snake River COnspiracy, Prtishead, Alanis, Fiona, SHeryl Crow, Otep!!!, Kittie, GodSMack, AMphibious Assault, INdie stuff... Three Fantastic, SHe Wants Revenge, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Eels, Joy Division, Baushaus, Jenny Lewis with the Watson Twins, the Delgados, Secret Machines, Nine Black ALps.. Wolfmother, Artic Monkeys, Three Fantastic the hard stuff too... no pop shit!!! oldies too... Led Zepplin, Ozzy, Black Sabbath, King's X, Maiden, Misfits, Rage Against the MAchine... love the female singers too.. Sarah Mc, Fiona, Alanis, Janis Diane Krall, Alison Kraus... and the composers.. Hans Zimmer, ALam Silvestri, JOhn Williams.. Los Lonely boys ROCK BABY!!!, Stevie Ray, Clapton, Santana, Kenny Wayne, BB KIng, Chuck Berry.. the guitar playas!!!George Harrison Tribute - Tom Petty & Jeff Lynne & Prince - Whil
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one of the biggest movie buffs you'll ever meet!!!! only the good ones though.. i love the well written, well acted, well directed stuff.. no teeny bopper movies for me.. love the dramas, the love stories, the suspense.. the thirllers, the documentaries.. FIGHT CLUB, DESPARADO, ELEPHANT, LORD OF THE RINGS, SPIDER MAN 1&2, PARTY ANIMAL, SUICIDE CLUB, DONNIE DARKO, COLLATERAL, A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, AI, FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS, TRAINSPOTTING, BIG FISH, DIE HARD 1,2 & 3, DEVIL'S BACKBONE, DONNIE BROSCO, SIXTH SENSE, UNBREAKABLE, SIGNS, THE VILLAGE, PULP FICTION, RESEVOIR DOGS, BETTER LUCK TOMORROW, THE FOG, SNATCH, LOCK STOCK AND 2 SMOKING BARRELS, TIME BANDITS, THE GOONIES, GREMLINS, JAWS, DEEP BLUE SEA, INTERVIEW WITH THE ASSASIN, EVIL DEAD, NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, TERMINTATOR, THE CROW, ALIEN, ALIENS... MAN MANY MANY MORE..!!!!! GOT ABOUT 181 in my DVD collection.... HELL!! i make movies myself!! working on several.. ask me about them.. shooting here in