I lika shopping, spendinga mooney, family, my pet cat Kitty, beoooty and fashon, nice food and loookinga after my figure
Russell Crow (like when he was een the Gladiator, with hees beeg theeck shiney sword), Buster Crabb (swinging from the treez so sweaty), Micheal Cain, Sean Connery, Dustin Hoffman,
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the salsa
the sound of music, tootsie, the king and eye, seven wives for seven brothers, the fiddler on the roof, dr zavargo, laurence of arabia, the road to zanzibar
santa babara, sunset beach, falcons crest, the thorn birds
satans saint, faucarts pendulum, the death of ivan ilyich, at them with the bayonet, the last exit to brooklyn (couldn't understand a frikin word of eet though), bend sinister
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my uncle george, fedal castro, che guevara