Unhealthy and otherwise. (Oh, and scientology am so great, it clearly am the most cleverest religion in the world. GO L. RON GO!). I believe in the free exchange of ideas and thought. I believe in freedom of speech, and if people don't agree, I believe in the right of protest.Translation to Terrorists:Durpa Durpa Hakka backalah! Durpa Sherpa Muhammed Ali, hakka durpa durpa.
Anyone with an unhealthy interest in Loud noises, Cheese grating, and the colour blue. Also, I'd like to find someone who will write a book about avoiding crushing defeat. And a robot..... that would be cool.
What kind of booze are you?
Nothing like an Iced Cold Beer!
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What should your nick name be? (pics)
You're smart, but you surround yourself with people that don't share your IQ but you love them anyway
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I love any music with a key signature (Preferably D), I like songs to involves notes ranging from A flat to G. Also to involve some sort of rhythm. That's good music.
I was in a movie once, it starred harry hill and was a romance set on a bus. 'Tickets Please' it was called. The sequel 'Return Fare' was a box office flop in 1837, though since it has become a cult classic, which has sold 10's of copys. Plans for 'Bus Pass' the third in this epic trilogy is due for release in 2014, where the original actors play thier original roles as pensioners. A reunion that leads to a tragic love as James "Strong-heart" McNiceguy(Hill) the hero of the saga, destroyer of the alien invasion force, dies of a sudden compound heart attack brough on by the poison he mistakenly took in the comic book series. 'A bit of a shock, but I have died in my scetches before. This was a piece of piss.' an energetic harry hill told Hooters magazine in the summer of Now.
We have two. It's great. You click a button on this electric magic wand full of infra red faries, and various images appear on the screen ofthe device. Technology is amazing, nothing like when I was a child. We had to stare at rocks.
A wise man once told me 'there are many books in the world. Too many for a man to read in one day, or two or three. MANY BOOKS THERE BE! A wise man need only to read one book.'. I misunderstood, I have been reading this Playboy for 8 months, I don't feel very wise.
The only heroes are losers, I know because I defeated them all..... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
What would your superpower be?Wow. You have perfect aim, andgreat reflexes too!
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