About Me
I am so great, oh yeah. I am in the telling of you many much stuff about me. See how much stuff I say, it is the great. MEMEMEMEME! Oh yeah, me and stuff..... stuff about me.
I won again, in a game with no end. I don't pretend that I know the rules. I am just wonderful. I am the best. I am so great.
I am possibly the most terminally single person you'll met for a while. Most trappist monks get more action than me.... But I can deal with that. See the above paragraph for a reason why.
Which Final Fantasy Character are you most like???7 different results + BONUS RESULT!
You are like cloud very depressed and hurt , so much has been happening and you just dont know where to begin on fixing it. You walk with your head up and eyes looking straight ahead you hate when someone trys to hurt you or your friends but no one does they know you have the power to kill them so they dont even try!
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All about yourself...the survey.
All about yourself...
First name?:: Matthew
Like your name?:: It does the trick, I know when people yell at me.
Named after anyone?:: Several people.
Any nicknames?:: Umm, Rampage, Wildcat, Super-crip to name a few
Age?:: 22
Birthplace?:: Pontypridd
Time you were born?:: Fuck knows, I was cold.
Current location?:: In front of the PC
Height?:: 6 foot 1
Like your height?:: I can see over most fences..... so yes.
Eye color?:: brown
Contacts/glasses?:: Glasses, though they are fucked.
Hair color?:: brown
Natural hair color?:: brown
Dye your hair often?:: Nah...
Righty or lefty?:: Righty, alrighty.
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: They come in types?!?!
Band or singer?:: Singer of a band
TV show?:: South Park
Movie?:: Kung Pow.... Obviously!
TV channel?:: Midnight Blue
Radio station?:: 18000000GHz AM
Place to be?:: Right with me bebeh!
Thing to do?:: Parasail through my bathroom.
Food?:: No thanks I just ate.
Non alcoholic drink?:: FUCK OFF!
Alcoholic drink?:: Now you're talking my language!
Animal?:: You son of a bitch! Call me an animal again and I will tear you in half with my claws.
Holiday?:: Yeah, A quick hop to every country in the world please, except France, Somalia, Zimbabwe and the Vatican
Season?:: I own seasons 1 through 4.... but I don't have 5 or 7 yet.
Sport?:: Fuck off! Not disabled enough for the paralympics. It's discrimination I tells you.
Place to shop?:: The Matlsters
Clothing brand?:: Nokia
Scent?:: No use to me.
Restaurant?:: Alfreds
Fruit?:: 5 a day thanks
Vegetable?:: I told you, I am not that disabled.
Fast food restaurant?:: Filla Pitta
Pizza topping?:: Chicken, Sweetcorn, Chillis.... sorted.
Ice cream flavor?:: Coffee, or some sort of random triple chocolate fudge and cookie dough stuff.
Magazine?:: Bizarre
City?:: City Wok
Color?:: Blue
Number?:: 60000000000
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:: chocolate
Pepsi or coke?:: coke
Hot or cold?:: tepid to warmish
Black or white?:: black, I need more white in my life.
Dog or cat?:: Dog
French toast or pancakes?:: What the hell is so french about toast?
French fries or onion rings?:: Fries, DUH!
Hamburger or hot dog?:: A burger in a hot do bun, or visa versa.
Pepperoni or sausage?:: They both work on pizza, I don't care.
Britney or Christina?:: David Hasselhoff
McDonalds or Burger King?:: Maccie D
50 Cent or Eminem?:: M&M's
Canada or Mexico?:: Canada. Mexico is where Jennifer Lopez is from.... it's scary
Hug or kiss?:: What does it matter?
Movies or TV?:: I direct all of the TV and the Movies... so there.
Truth or dare?:: Dare.
Do you...
Shower daily?:: When I can be fucked, or I start seeing green gas eminating from me.
Sing in the shower?:: DAMN RIGHT!
Like to sing?:: Fuck aye, I love it.
Like to dance?:: That''s another story..... no.
Smoke?:: Don't mind if I do.
Drink?:: See above.
Cuss?:: Fuck aye!
Talk to yourself?:: All of the time.
Believe in yourself?:: Hardly.
Play an instrument?:: Yup. Loads.
Go to school?:: Used to. did GCSE's and A-Levels
Go to college?:: Used to. Did Music for 2 years. In uni now.
Have a job?:: Yup. The Petrol Station the 70's forgot.
Like your job?:: It's alright, I'm able to do it, and theres an old guy I like to argue with.
Want to get married?:: Eventually.
Want to have kids?:: I don't know.... Let's see if I can get to '3rd base' first, huh?
Get along with your parents?:: One of them.
Get along with your siblings?:: One of them.
Drive?:: Nah, I prefer to be driven.
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: Implicitly. Though turn your back on me and I will ream you.
Think your funny?:: You starting or what mate?!
Ever toilet papered someones house?:: Nope
Gone garbage can tipping?:: Yup, our own garbage. We also unloaded some on Ghandi.
What are your parents names?:: They are unpronouncable with our anatomy.
Siblings names?:: Alpha Unit 001, Omega Kappa Gamma and Fred the calculator.
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: I am washing them as I type.
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: Ooooh roughly 12
Collect anything?:: Interesting dust, fag ends, empty to half full cans and whales(I trade them in for fun prizes)
Ever been in love?:: How could I be sure?
In love right now?:: Probably? ;)
What color pants are you wearing right now?:: Blue.
How does your hair look?:: Fabulous darling.
Ever had your heartbroken?:: Frequently.
Ever broken the law?:: As often as I can get away with.
Been arrested?:: The police aren't that good. Not in Ponty anyway.
Been out of the country?:: Why, have you been following me?
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: Wouldn't you like to know.... Prick.
When was the last time you got drunk?:: About 4/5 hours ago.
Do you do drugs?:: Yeah, got any?
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: About 8 minutes ago.
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: It depends on if I need to see.
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: Fuck aye! I want a Hasselhoff!
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: Boxers, thongs or a single strip of cellophane.
Do you like to laugh?:: HAHAHA!
Ever had a bloody nose?:: I have had my nose corterised (whatever) 24 times.
Have you ever caught a fish?:: Yeah, it's called Park View Cafe.
What was the last thing you ate?:: Twix
What time do you go to bed?:: Well, it's 3:18 now.... I am gonna watch a South Park. and chill..... probably 04:30
What's your favorite color?:: Didn't I answer this already.... It's blue you retard!
Do you like to give or recieve?:: Both are equally enjoyable.
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: Always. Frequently. Sometimes and never.
Do you live alone?:: Nah. He is great, and I write this of my own free will. *click*
Do you own a blender?:: They don't trust me with them anymore.
Do you like the snow?:: Yeah, yellow is my favourite flavour.
Ever been up a mountain?:: I'm welsh, I live on a mountain.... surrounded entirely by other mountains..... what's not a mountain about that?
Ever been rootin'?:: Yup.... and Tootin'
Do you like surprises?:: Yeah, but only if I have advanced warning in writing.
What kind of love are you?Wounded Lover. You used to be a full lover, but your other lyed or betrayed you, and now you have no idea how to love or what it really meant to you. I would suggest shrug it off. What he or she did to you is not forgiveable, but hurting yourself because of what they did to you won't make anything better. In fact, you're locking yourself up for the crime they committed. Please don't, you're much better than that.
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What color is your soul and what it means(in-depth answers)You are gray, perfect balance. You have equal dark and light sides of you, even though one might be seen more than the other. While some might concider gray a gloomy color, others concider it a dull color. You are just there, you make everyone look good, though they never make you look bad. You can be friends with everyone, if you took the time to really get to know one.
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Which icon do you identify with?
You're fair. You despise people who treat other people like dirt based on beliefs, color, how they dress etc. Good for you.
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Which Rocky Horror character are you?
You are Brad Majors. Good for you, you wuss.
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