Talk about patriotism…or being patriotic in many ways-supporting Kenyan artists in France is one of my favourite way of showing patriotism…in my page you will notice I have love for international artists, people i adore, also Kenyan artists too, please do visit their pages and listen to their songs….talk of diversity, don’t we all love diversity! A lot of you have asked me which Kenyan artists have performed in Paris/France, …. well here is a list
Suzzana Owiyo-May 27th2005
Solia Grace-June 4th2005 and April 20th
Nameless and Mr.Lenny –October 7th 2005
Ras Naya- 17th November 2005
Redsan- December 14th 2005 and June 23rd 2006
Shu -(SuzzanOwiyo and Achieng Abura as guests)–March 10th 2006.
K’naan-Somalia artist with strong Kenyan connections;)-May 5th 2006.
Nameless-May 5TH 2007.
**Jua cali- 15 TH DECEMBER 2007.
Waiting for more Kenyan artists to show their talent in Paris/France…Thank you for passing by…God bless you.
Parler de patriotisme ou être patriote en supportant de toutes les façons possibles les artistes kenyans en France est un des moyens que je privilégie pour montrer mon amour pour mon pays. Sur myspace, vous remarquerez que j.."ai beaucoup d.."estime pour les artistes internationaux, des gens que j.."adore, y compris des artistes kenyans. Je vous suggère vivement de visiter leurs sites et d.."écouter leurs chansons. Parlons de diversité, n.."aimons-nous tous pas la diversité ! Nombre d.."entre vous m.."ont demandé quels artistes Kenyans s.."étaient produits en France à Paris. En attendant les prochains, voici une liste.
Suzzana Owiyo-May 27th2005
Solia Grace-June 4th2005 and April 20th
Nameless and Mr.Lenny –October 7th 2005
Ras Naya- 17th November 2005
Redsan- December 14th 2005 and June 23rd 2006
Shu -(SuzzanOwiyo and Achieng Abura as guests)–March 10th 2006.
K’naan-Somalia artist with strong Kenyan connections;)-May 5th 2006.
Nameless-5TH MAY 2007.
**JUA CALI 15th December 2007.
*****Si vous êtes organisateur de show musicaux à Paris et que vous cherchez un artiste kenyan pour un spectacle exceptionnel et à part, merci de nous contacter*********
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