Working on my cars and trucks,finishing school, Red sox,snoboarding, bikes, Movies, Building things with my hands,ie(bikes, loft beds for friends, gokarts for my nephues, someday restoring american classic cars,tring to find a way to pay for school. So yes as anyone who knows me knows I sell plasma! So next interest is to make it through school and get a job making beautiful cars or bikes. And to get a chocalate lab.
People who aren't afraid when i say try this, but are smart enough to say that's enough, cute enough to get me to dance, but will let me sit when i don't wanna, A kitten to keep me warm or a tiger to chase when it's warm outside. Fabricators and people who do interesting work to cars and trucks. Metal artist and people who like to make stuff by hand. People that would rather do something in the shop or outside than sit and play videogames or watch Tv (don't get me wrong I veg in front of the tube, cuz I'm broke and can't afford much else).
Alkaline Trio, Sick of it all,Scurvey,Our lady Peace(Thanks Audra), Sublime, Old greenday(1039,kerplunk, evan dookie) Quicksand, Rival Shcools, Descendents, ultamite fakebook, NOFX, Pennywise, Pinhead gunpowder, Pinhead circus, D' angelo, Sarah, Maxwell, Blackeyed peas, Red hot chili pepper's (the Frusciante era)Janes Addiction, Smashing pumpkins, Mike doughty/Soul coughing(again props for audra) Postal Service, NIN, MUDVANE, Slipknot, All that remains, Shadows Fall, Po' Boy and the redhats, Daltonic, and even back in the day SLAPSHOT! Rise Against, Ft.Minor, Sly and the Family stone, Revend Horton Heat, Rage Against the Machine,
Goonies, Seven, Silence of the lambs, all serialkiller movies in general, Super Troopers, Spaceballs, Friday, All things evil dead, Comic book hero movies, Vampire movies,Eddie Murphy Raw/Delerious, Lost Boys, Good Will Hunting. The Devil weres Prada,Step up, Open season(Just call me Boog) I'm gonna get shit for this The Notebook, The Holiday, 300,
I wish it wasn't so much but untill I have money to do stuff, I have a ton of dvd's and a 50'' tv come on. It's cheap, I'm broke What!
I have A.D.H.D so reading books is tuff to keep me interested but i did read my AP bio book in about two weeks in high school, and i do love the JLA, and guitar mags and hod rod mags to get cool idea's for projects. I read our class material and hanouts ALOT probly how I keep up the A's, Books about engines and restoring my truck.
My brother (for rasing three awsome kids in this day and age) Batman, My dad (he's retired and livin large), Jesse James. And anyone who does what intrests them for a living ie Matt Kesotner