Capt. John Ball Teach profile picture

Capt. John Ball Teach

Everybody CLEAR!!!! No wait - come back... not that type of clear!

About Me

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Me??? Heck I am to humble to describe myself but I've been accused of being Caring, Sensitive, Romantic, Intellegent, Suave, Sexy, Cuddly, Smart, Heroic, and Mature. Ok, Yeah I guess those do apply - I just think I'm a hard working guy who treats others with respect and would like to get the same in return.

My Interests

Brewing Beer, Travel, and Renaissance Festivals... that's just a sampling though as the list tends to be endless... if nothing else I'm usually game to give new things a try before I ruling them out... of course then there's Skydiving - better make sure the pilot is jumping right in front of me, so I know there's no damm way that plane is going to land safely and I have no choice but to jump...

I'd like to meet:

Someone who hasn't forgotten how to dream or be a kid at heart while still managing to grow up in their day in and day out life. Passionate and tender while confident and secure. Someone who is capable of sharing in my excitment and sorrows when needed. Also someone who is not loud and obnoxious but still knows how to be fun in and out of a crowd.


I like new and old, Country and Rock, Classical and Jazz. I love music from the Renaissance Period and from RenFaires - specially brawdy pub songs and sea shantys! Favorite instruments include - Celtic Harp, Celtic Flute, Irish Fiddle, and Cello stuff... heck even been known to enjoy bagpipes every now and then (although after a couple tunes it does start to sound like someone is torturing several cats in a barrel!!


A wide variety of favorites here - a great topic of conversation for sure.


The West Wing, ER, The Unit, 24, House, Greys Anatomy--- those are just whats programed in to my DVR but there's tons of other stuff... A bit of a news freak, like knowing what the weathers going to do and all those channels of general interest stuff about military history, industry and all that cool stuff - yeah I can get lost in TV Land real easy....


I consider myself "well read" and have quite the diverse library at my house, albeit most are in boxes right now - they've been all read at least a couple times... love biographys and adventure reading... Some mystery and novel stuff also. Most recent book I've read was the one that the TV show "Dangerous Catch" is based on about Crab Fishing in Alaska. I've got "The Divinci Code", a "Harry Potter", and Victor Hugos "Les Miserables" sitting there ready to read though.


One person I do look up to is a woman who having just returned from a hard deployment to Iraq in September is now getting ready to go back into Harms Way - yep in to another bad part of Iraq for a year (I know, I know - there isn't a good part of Iraq right?) To that person and they know who they are - YOU WILL BE IN MY THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS EVERY DAY YOU ARE IN IRAQ!!!!!

My Blog

Good to be a Texan...

Well, it's official now - Friday I took the Michigan Plates off the ole Equinox and slapped on the Texas Plates! My Michigan Drivers License was confiscated as I applied for the Texas Drivers License ...
Posted by Capt. John Ball Teach on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 09:51:00 PST

Stupid People - Job Security

A wise man (or woman - suppose I should just say "person") once said that ,"so long as there are stupid people in this world - EMT's and Paramedics, Police Officers, and Fire Fighters will always have...
Posted by Capt. John Ball Teach on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 06:18:00 PST

They’re HOME

A hearty welcome home to some of America's Finest - the newest group of Citizen Soldiers who for the last year or so have dedicated their lives to staying alive in one of the most god-forsaken-armpits...
Posted by Capt. John Ball Teach on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 06:18:00 PST


My best friend who's lived in San Antonio for years says that Michigan is the "Land of No Seasoning" which may be true, however being a Hophead and having moved to Texas (along with many weeks of visi...
Posted by Capt. John Ball Teach on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 02:41:00 PST

Shivo case, Death, and thoughts about it.

I was just looking at my AOL and it appears the whole Terri Schivo case is still alive and well... there is now a Political Action Group that has been traveling around the nation and helping candidate...
Posted by Capt. John Ball Teach on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 09:41:00 PST


Two Semesters plus a couple weeks and the class portion of Paramedic Class is done and over with!!!!! I have to admit that even though I got perfect grades for each semester, I was less than excited a...
Posted by Capt. John Ball Teach on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 12:23:00 PST

Simple Gifts

I find it amazing how sometimes the mose unexpected things can have a huge impact on your life... for the last 3 days I've been imersed in the State Summer Games of Special Olympics here at CMU in Mt....
Posted by Capt. John Ball Teach on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 04:40:00 PST

Comments of life at work...

So I have always wondered what makes people feel that it's ok to call an Ambulance at 4 a.m. for a problem they've had for several days already??? Granted yesterday was Memorial Day and I'd spent the ...
Posted by Capt. John Ball Teach on Wed, 31 May 2006 08:04:00 PST