learning anything and everything, spending time with my family, spending time with friends, getting to travel out of state when I can, finding crazy things at thrift stores, listening to music, watching my favorite shows, looking at things I can't afford (yet), nature, cooking, going out with my husband, living and loving life
Conan O'Brien and Jesus
The Settling. You should check them out at myspace.com/thesettlingmusic
Photo Collage by Dundoo - MySpace Editor
The Office, Late Night with Conan Master of All Things, Mythbusters, Family Guy, Sopranos, Lost, Biggest Loser
Currently Reading: The World Without Us by Alan Weisman, The Bible, The Book of General Ignorance, Jazz Age Stories, Mortified: Angst Written
My grandpa was an amazing person. He was always funny, always telling a story, and we always loved being around him. He left behind an amazing woman, my grandma. She loved him, took care of him, and was there with him till the end. He's the parent I want to be and she's the wife I wish to be.