Board sports. Movies. Random fun things. os/4-20.jpg robot-heels-737822.jpg photonlightboards and making popcorn pop using cellular telephones! Making the planet better with knowledge and happiness! Sometimes I get frustrated with life and random things like the malibu hybrid getting the same mileage as a basic altima... but oh well you know. energy in all situations
Some new kids to snowboard with or chill with. I definetly want to meet some famous people! The Notorious B.I.G. in heaven. I would like to meet the Frends crew sometime and run into old friends from earlier in my life. I would love to meet my soul mate aswell if I have not already met her.
Rock, Rap, Hip Hop, Alternative... I love supporting my friends and them following there dreams in music. I have heard a lot of good stuff from people that I randomly meet! :)Stereo Total=crazy Juno, The Happening, Jumper, The Hulk, The Blair Witch project, The Kingdom, Babel, Stranger than Fiction, Harold and Kumar, Daredevil, Electra, meet the Spartans, Batman
Sports Center, Cartoon Network, Seinfeld, Kablaam, GUTS, 430/
Autobiographies, Science Fiction. ushrooms-Around-The-World &rlz=1T4ADBF_enUS232US232&q=hybrid+production
Jesus Christ