my name is bob/ whatever synonym or acronym you wish to attach to it.
BREEE.But I Saw It Die.
But Now Its Alive.
But I Saw It Dead.
But I Saw It Die.
Breee So Life Dies.
Breee Why Life yeah.
metal, beer, metal, booze, sex, more beer, cottage cheese, Arizona iced tea, yoo-hoo, stuff im not willing to mention, beer and more metal
I want a woman, not some little girl, who had to grow up in daddy's little world
someone who can discuss and properly use cromaticism, and people who dont fuck up my house.
l Tunes: you have no fucking idea,
predator hands down
your mom ..d circuit
"go now" by richard hell. music, physics and engineering by Harry F Olson.(the bible to all that is audible), Analysis and Design of Airplane Structures by E.F Bruhn
The Vulgar Elderly,