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About Me

I Am Un Chien
envoyé par onapasencoredenom

My Interests

my dogs DC and B(...)

I'd like to meet:

.. .. ..


Rage Against the Machine, At the Drive-in, the Mars Volta, Pixies, RATATAT, Led Zeppelin, dEUS, Nick Cave, Radiohead, Sparklehorse, Stuck In the Sound, Nirvana, eMOTION aKIN tO tERROR, The Dodoz, The Shoes, Does it Offend you yeah?, MSTRKRFT, The Strokes, Frank Black, Jeff Buckley, eLdIa, Sloy, Queens Of the Stone Age, Pj Harvey, !!!, The Rapture, Neimo, Arctic Monkeys, Cold war kids, Uffie, I Am un Chien!!, The Fucking Neighbours, Morrissey, Broken social scene, Smashing Pumpkins, Sebastian, the Doors, Billy Talent, Bloc Party, The Clash, Craig Amstrong, Fantomas, David Bowie, The Prodigy, Junior Jack, Justice, 2 Many Dj's, Saint Germain T., Rahzel, Jurassic 5, The Roots, Wutang, NERD, Ghostface Killah, Supertramp, Hot Hot Heat, Minor Threat, Mr Funk, The Futureheads, The Datsuns, Bloc Party, Dogs die in hot Cars, Yeah yeah yeahs, the Cure, Granddady, Coldplay, Wolfmother, Daft punk, Vitalic, The Real fake Mc, koRn, Pulp, Primus, Pedra D'hera, Sonic Youth, System Of A Down, REM, The Libertines, My bloody Valentine, 80s Matchbox b-line disaster, Glassjaw, The Velvet Underground...


Le PARRAIN 1 2 3, History of violence, La Mouche, Les Autres, Duel, la guerre des mondes, Indiana Jones, Aniki mon frere, Jackie Brown, kill bill I, kill bill II, Match Point, Fight Club, tout le monde dit " I love U", Ed Wood, Lords Of War, Abre los Ojos, Parle avec Elle, Tigre et Dragon, Il etait une Fois en chine, CRAZY, Die Hard, Psychose, The Birds, la mort au trousse, la corde, Fenetre sur cour, Rebeca, Romanzo Criminal, Truman Capote, Eternal sunshine of the .., Ace Ventura, DUMB & dumber, apocalypse Now, Retour vers le Future, Crocodile Dundee, Taxi Driver, Fish and Chips, Orange mecanique, Full metal jacket, Le roi Lion, Aladin et bien sur tous les Asterix ...


Scrubs .


Tokyo, La Fille sans Visage, DeadZone, le scaphandre et les papillons , les Mots... et biensur toutes les aventures d'Asterix le Gaulois et de Yakari le petit indien Gay.


Mike Dundee et Panoramix et ta mere dans mon slip.