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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

“You are the center of your universe, and you can make anything happen.” -Ashley Smith-
Where to start?!?!? My name is Katy, often nicknamed Kitten... plus a whole bunch of other REALLY silly, nonsensical names that get thought up along the way by my most beautiful friends!!!! I'm brave, silly, dippy, ditzy, bonkers, romantic, unglued, clumsy, clever, wise, tenacious, balanced, curious, grounded, idiotic and UTTERLY ridiculous all at the same time. I'm eclectic, kooky and (mildly!!! lol) eccentric in my tastes in well, pretty much everything! Life in Kittens world is a little squiffy and 'cuckoo' to say the least - so you HAVE been warned...giggle giggle!!
"I cling to my imperfections, as the very essence of my being" -Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault-
I love those I love, unconditionally and passionately and I give ALL that I have to give. I will take a bullet in a heartbeat, for the people in my life whom I love and cherish
I wear my heart on my sleeve - TOO much! lol ;o) I'm enormously trusting and forgiving... sometimes to my detriment! I believe in always trying to see the good in people, even those whose actions are not very kind! ;o( I'm capaciously affectionate and passionate about everyone and everything I hold dear to my heart. I'm fragile and vulnerable BUT tough when I need to be. I fight hard for anything and anyone I believe in and I don't quit on myself, my beliefs, dreams or those I love. I am hugely blessed to have so many incredible people in my life, without whom, I just don't know where I'd be right now??... they've not only been there during the fun and crazy party times (which have been THE BEST fun my loves!!), but they're the dear friends who have walked with me in my darkest hours, reminding me just how strong I am ... and that I really CAN keep going for as long as it takes to get through even the toughest of times
I believe that our struggles and strifes are what make life so awesome. Everything happens for a reason, good and bad...
It takes both the rainstorms AND the sunshine to bring out the paradisiac beauty and colour of life's most magnificent and wondrous rainbows...
Our challenges, pains and heartaches are what make us so resilient and able to carry on - without them we couldn't possibly know what it is to be truly ALIVE - we would never reach our personal awakening!!! And once we've climbed that mountain, or weathered even the worst of storms, things are only ever reinforced with an unbreakable and everlasting strength
I believe in ALWAYS helping those less fortunate in any way I can. Showing kindness and compassion and going out of my way to do something special no matter how small, to make a positive difference to the lives of others. I believe that we all have the power to make a difference and make the world a better place
I love to be inspired and I love to inspire anyone who feels that I have something to offer. I am pretty special... It took me an astonishing (and not to mention lengthy, arduous and profound!!!) journey, to feel comfortable in saying that about myself without feeling conceited, BUT I know wholeheartedly that I do not allow one single day to pass by, without doing my very best for myself and for others. That's something I pride myself on. I always strive to live by principals of goodness and kindness, truth and integrity. I also know how crazy I can be - bordering on insane some might say - lol, but hey, none of you would love me THIS much if i lost that spark of madness now would you - lol!!! Where WOULD we be without Kittens wild, demented and deranged moments huh??!? - giggle giggle?!?!?
Life excites me like the most explosively breathtaking fireworks display. Planning for the future and living for today fills me with a SOARING passion to catch every bit of beauty and enchantment that life has to give.
I want to learn all that I can about this life. I'm a total dreamer and I TOTALLY believe in making those dreams my reality ...and I won't settle until I do! I treasure every single minute of every day, even the bad stuff and I realise how precious and short my time on Earth is. I don't want to waste a second of it. I want to experience all that there is to experience
I NEVER take anything or anyone for granted, I learn't from mistakes, heartaches and losses, long long ago to cherish everything and everyone...and I thank god and my friends everyday for ALL of my blessings!
“Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain”
“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”
I'm a TOTAL believer in Karma... "What Goes Around Comes Around"...and anyone who chooses to do an unkindness to another, WOW...you'd better watch out...sooner or later it'll come back around and bite you in the butt - OUCH, that's gotta hurt!!!
Dislikes??? Hahaha!!! Well, I guess it's fair to say that I pretty much despise 'Materialism' and 'Superficiality' and all that they stand for. I will never figure out WHY so many people place such importance on material shit!? What joy or delight do they take from that ostentatious crap?? Don't get me wrong, I love my job to death but I see SO many guys and girls everyday in the industries I work, just desperately hanging out with the 'superficial', 'jet set-glitterati' herds, clambouring to wear designer labels and drink champagne, befriending the 'in-crowd' just to get on guestlists, girls hanging with guys just to get VIP tables and that free bottle of vodka (with mixers - lol!!!)... all looking like clones of one another and talking utter 'OH MY GOD' bullshit...... I guess when one reaches their own personal awakening, a place where one is comfortable within their own skin and has true inner peace and clarity, it's tough to sit by and watch these lost creatures trying to prove themselves and sell themselves out ...I actually find it a little upsetting, it's kind of like being on the sidelines of some crazed freak show! The "wannabe" players and "wannabe" party girls, all abhorrent in their quest... it's their shallowness that's beyond ghastly and I guess you could say that I loathe every bit of 'fake' and 'covetous' bullshit that they represent....such insincere, mendacious crap. For every one girl I see each day wearing her prized Chanel sunglasses, I see a thousand of them - fake, insincere, ugly on the inside, shallow, conformists who claim to be "individuals" and "spiritual"... out to jump on whichever glitz and glamour bandwaggon that passes them by first! They're just TOO FUNNY!!!! They wouldn't know real spirituality if it hit them in their Marc Jacobs handbags! I have to say, everything that these people 'J'Adore' in their "Dior", I pretty much f*cking hate, with a passion! Dealing with them is the major DOWN side of my job! On the PLUS side though, you know IMMEDIATELY, the people in the industry who ARE genuine and at peace with themselves, the sterling people without anything to prove, comfortable in their skin, at ease with their place in life, no desire WHATSOEVER to show off their financial status... they're the sincere buddies who'll hang with you when the party's over and the lights and cameras are shut off!! PLEEEEEEEASE, give me Real, Grounded, Kind Hearted, 'Beautiful on the Inside' people any day of the week...people who want to talk for really great conversation and true friendship, NOT just for the sake of the people they think and hope you can hook them up to!!!
...AND GET REAL you pretentious wannabe freakoids!!!!!!!!!!
"Originality is... a by-product of sincerity" -Marianne Moore-
"Individualism is rather like innocence: There must be something unconscious about it" -Louis Kronenberger-
"The be-all and end-all of life should not be to get rich, but to enrich the world." -B. C. Forbes-
"The love of money is the root of all evils" -Jesus-
"Much of our activity these days and our preoccupation with possessions, is nothing more than a cheap anesthetic to deaden the pain of an empty life."-Unknown-
"It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents us from living freely and nobly." -Thoreau-

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Purple paradise

MY THEORY ON THE BEAUTY OF LIFE: Beauty of life is all there before us in a moment... a split second that can touch us and change everything forever. Sometimes you are sitting in a car and looking out of the window but by the time you say to your friend "Look!", it's already disappeared. I want to keep those moments forever, better still, I want to discover them and create them. It's the unexpected moments that are usually more beautiful for they hold a newer kind of beauty. It's like a rehearsal that ends up being a performance... the rehearsals are more often far more exciting for there is such an element of uncertainty
WHAT IS LIFE ABOUT IN KITTEN'S WORLD? Life should convey a certain kind of well being, of exuberance, sensuality, the enjoyment of a moment, collusion, intelligence, utter silliness and humour, a glimpse of who you really are deep within - not only the intellect and logic but enormous amounts of the BIG KID fun stuff! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
"Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud." -Sophocles-
"Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves." -James Barrie-
"We don't know who we are until we see what we can do." -Martha Grimes-
"Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles." -Ralph Waldo Emerson-
"Integrity is one of several paths, it distinguishes itself from the others because it is the right path, and the only one upon which you will never get lost." -M. H. McKee-
BEAUTIFUL THINGS THAT TOUCH ME..... The Beauty in a birdsong, or the one thousand different shades of pinks and reds in the perfect sunset, or the warmth of a hug when you most need it, (or know when one most needs to be given to someone you care for)... watching the oceans waves kiss the shore at sundown...Fairy lights...Angels that watch over us....Angels that live amongst us...Feeling that warm fuzzy feeling in your tummy when you look into the eyes of "The One" or just hear their voice. The beauty in the feeling of watching that great heart wrenching movie and crying your heart out. Or crying with laughter because something so stupid tickled you to the point of peeing your pants!!! Watching a grandpa with his grand child. Feeling sand between your toes, making shapes in the air with dazzlingly pretty sparklers, Watching snowfall... Swinging on a swing, or riding the merry-go-round...Taking a long walk in the crisp wintry frosts...Horseriding at sun up or sun down...That first light of day break... A loved one reaching for your hand...Spooning...Standing and dancing in the rain with your head tilted to the heavens, Swimming with Dolphins...Picnics in bed (soooo beautiful and soooo much fun)... Sitting in silence with someone you love and needing no words at all!
Laugh...laugh really hard
Dream... dream the wildest of dreams-make them your reality
Be Kind...to everyone, friends and strangers alike
Be Honest...never deceive, always act with integrity
Be Brave... do whatever it takes to pull through
Be Crazy and Silly...always
Be Beautiful... on the inside
Be Generous...with all that you have to give
Be Different...don't conform to what society says you should be
Be Genuine...fake and insincere are way too ugly!
Do Something Special... for yourself and someone else every day

My Interests

My passions are....

My friends and family... you are MY LIFE!!! Singing - usually like a crazed banshee woman, embarrassing everyone around me! Dancing - comes with the singing (obviously!!) but I LOVE to dance - silly goofy dancing is the best, stuff that makes my friends pretend like they wish they never knew me - most of the time in those situations they truly wish that they didn't know me - giggle giggle!!!!!! Painting, drawing, sketching, hell just give me a pencil and sketch pad and I'm happy! Architecture, interior design. Infact, 'design' period! I LOVE creating creations?!?!?! Writing...you'll all be delighted to know that kitten's book is now finally well underway!!

Walking barefoot.... no feeling in the world like walking barefoot - on the beach, driving, on the side walk, in the grocery store, wherever, WHENEVER!! Laughing... laughing is THE best medicine ever!! Laughing so hard that your tummy hurts! Dancing in the rain (forever, for my Charlie!!) Piggy back rides and handstands...especially with the one you love on drunken walks home from the pub. Better still, sneaking into people's front gardens, taking shelter under the trees and acting like love struck teenagers! Kisses, cuddles and shnuggles.... mmmmm, they're the best! Riding bumper cars at the funfair...Taking imaginary space shuttle flights to Button Moon to see Mr. Spoon (and his friends... naturally!!) Dress up! Anykind of dress up, I'm really not fussy so long as it makes me giggle LOTS! Trawling vintage clothes markets and stalls for hours and hours on lazy Saturday and Sunday afternoons... the hustle and bustle of Portbello, Paris, Antibes, and Vomero...oh what treasures I have collected along the way!! !!

Travelling.... I LOVE to travel - truly special places that will ALWAYS hold a piece of my heart.... Paris, South of France, Dordoigne, Mykonos, Athens, Italy, Ibiza, the mountains of Andalucia (breathtaking!), Marrakech, Sailing around Antigua, Miami, LA, NYC.... I adore the beach and I know that my heart and soul will always be drawn back to the ocean no matter where in the world I happen to be.... such a sense of tranquility...therapeutic peace and calm - mmmmm...heaven on earth!

Everything and anything with my god daughter Jadie - finger painting, bed time stories, home musicals and dance shows, climbing the apple trees, horse riding, oh and cuddles - she gives THE BEST "ickle BIG" cuddles!! and squishes SO damn hard for a 6 year old... but in a good way!! lol!

Chilling and hanging out with my dear dear friends... doing anything and nothing at all with them makes me smile...cooking Sunday lunch or a great dinner together, cosying by a fire with a great bottle of red wine and fabulous conversation, long walks in the woods, partying and getting up to LOTS of naughtiness, talking and sharing dreams and aspirations, movie afternoons at home when it's raining outside

Kitten on FOOD: I LOVE to cook!! I love Sushi, Sashimi anything Japanese. Oysters / Seafood. Chicken burgers loaded with cheese, bacon and mushroom (that's my hangover food!) Sunday Roasts - with ALL the trimmings! Peach Ice Cream. Pretzels (I'm addicted!!) Peanut Butter. Anything green, salad's, veggies... I get cranky if I don't have a ton of them everyday! Scrambled eggs - I make THE BEST eggs EVER and won't share the recipe until I REEEEEEEALLY love you!!!

Charity Work: In my free time, I work with disadvantaged kids in London and volunteer at a local shelter. I sponsor 2 little girls in Sierra Leone and I have to say, it's THE single best thing I've ever done in my life.... so far! They show me every day just why I work so hard and push myself to my limits and why I will never quit - they are a true source of inspiration - little children with nothing in the world but so much love and happiness to give. They set my passions on fire and make my heart and soul smile the biggest smile. They are a constant reminder as to how amazing and magical life really is!

FOR ALL ELSE THAT I LOVE..... you can look at my blogs across the page - I think I've pretty much got it covered in there - lol!!!

I'd like to meet:

...awwwwwww, did i mention how soppy i am?!?!? teehee!!!

So my loves..... I am Katy.....

I am who I am.....

AND I'M.....



All and ANY music...and when it gives me goosebumps, or that incredible feeling in the pit of my tummy, you know I love it....

Leama and Moor (love you Marty! thank you for your amazing love, friendship and support!)

...anything that makes me wanna sing and dance, I love! Prince, Nirvana, Chilli Peppers, INXS, Depeche Mode, Blondie, Foo Fighters, Kings of Leon, Taylor Hawkins... Coldplay, Sade, Queens of the Stoneage, Garbage, Lenny Kravitz, Mr. Kanye West, The Fray, Led Zep, Pink, Pink Floyd, Paolo Nutini, Anything and everything Motown, The Kooks, Razorlight, Newton Faulkner, Radiohead, Chemical Brothers, Fleetwood Mac, The Stones, Roxy Music, Joni Mitchell, Stevie Nicks, Kate Bush, James Davis, Graffiti, Sasha, Digweed, Trentemoller, Bowie, Massive Attack, House... (Electronika, Funky, Progressive) Hotel Costes, St Germain / and so the list goes on......


City of Angels, Man on Fire, American Gangster, A Good Year, Dangerous Liaisons, Last Tango in Paris, Betty Blue, Devil's Advocate, Lost Boys, Purple Rain, Buffalo 66, The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink (Duckie TOTALLY rocks!!).......The Family Stone, In her Shoes, Something About Mary (always makes me laugh out loud!!), Anything with Chevy Chase, Family Vacation Movies, may be old but never lose their magic... nor do they lose the ability to make me PEE MY PANTS LAUGHING!!! ;-)....oh and The Notebook - possibly the most beautiful love story ever written!


CSI Miami (I think I have a secret crush on Horatio - oops!!! looks like that might not be a secret anymore!!!), Will & Grace, Heroes, Friends (the one with Ross playing keyboard still makes me die - followed by the one with the self tanning machine!!) Any and all docu's (and books) by David Starkey on British History, Channel 4's docu series "Extraordinary People". ....... "X-Factor" / "American Idol"...well I have to say that... too many of my friends work on the damn shows for me to say otherwise - lol!! Catherine Tate Show, Russell Brand, Little Britain, Friday Night Project, Jonathan Ross......


Fierce People by Dirk Wittenborn (truly twisted and spectacularly superb!), The Pact & Keeping Faith by Jodi Picoult, Lorelis Secret by Carolyn Parkhurst, Mans Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, a book that will change your life forever! Ulysses by James Joyce. Monsieur Ibrahim and the flowers of The Koran / Oscar and the Pink Lady by Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt- 2 of the most beautifully written, heart wrenching tales that will change you on the inside, they will touch your heart! Joan D'Arc by Regine Pernoud and Marie-Veronique Clin - breathtaking! Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy...beautifully masterful!!!


My inspiration always stems from the brilliance of my brother, sister and beautiful friends that are my family! Their love, passion and friendship never ceases to amaze me! Mmmmwwaahhh! Big kiss to you all my darlings....

Sophie (best little sister), James (best little bro), Jojo, Lulabell, Nic Nox, Nici, Lori, Henry, Jeff, Marty, and my gorgeous dogs and horses! My gay husbands Timmy and Jeffers (and the poochies!!)....

My beautiful boy JJ who totally rocks my world!! Love you to INFINITY baby... TOGETHER WE ARE...

My darling friend Charlie. I'm sorry God had to take you so soon. I miss your smile and your laughter. I miss our cuddles. Your bravery and strength will always be my inspiration and you will ALWAYS be my hero!

“...like a falling star who has finally found her place next to another in a lovely constellation, where we will sparkle in the heavens forever.”

My Blog

An oldie that you just cant help but chuckle at...

John Cleese's "Letter to America"   (dedicated to D.D..... and our shared love of "stuff and nonsense" AND utter stupidity!!!!!)Dear Citizens of America, In view of your failure to elect a ...
Posted by Katy on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 03:34:00 PST

Things aren’t always what they seem... be thankful for every single day!

Things Aren’t Always As They Seem (An Angel Story) Author Unknown Two travelling angels stopped to spend the night in the home of a wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to let ...
Posted by Katy on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 03:19:00 PST

Think Big! Take Risks! Love Life!

Think Big! Take Risks! Love Life! Dream. Dare to dream large. Never quit, go after what you want with a totally committed attitude. Remember life is so short that you must enjoy each and every...
Posted by Katy on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 03:16:00 PST

Make it go away...

For Charlie... Hey darling... just snuggled on the couch under my favourite blankie, listening to Kate.... breathing in every note and melody of this song, letting it wash over me. Laughing and smilin...
Posted by Katy on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 09:59:00 PST

I am so blessed...

I started out this blog with just the first of the quotes below. Somehow though, the love that I am lucky enough to feel deep within me, inspired me to add more from my readings...each of these ditti&...
Posted by Katy on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 02:08:00 PST

The story of one tiny little starfish...

The story of one tiny little starfish... The old man awoke just before sunrise, as he often did, to walk by the ocean’s edge and greet the new day. As he moved through the morning dawn, he foc...
Posted by Katy on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 04:38:00 PST

Embracing your inner critic... (HUGE thanks to SunSign8 California)

The Awakening A time comes in your life when you finally get it . . . When in the midst of all your fears and insanity you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere, the voice inside your head cries out...
Posted by Katy on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 11:20:00 PST

Always do your best...

"Say only what you mean... the word is the most powerful tool we have as humans"The Four Agreements:1. Be Impeccable With Your Word Speak with integrity. Say o...
Posted by Katy on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 11:10:00 PST

Awaken the soul and reach for more...

TRUE LOVE.... - does not hurt- makes two people invincible together- sets the soul alight with passion- is never needing to look down to find the others hand, you just know it's always there- is ridin...
Posted by Katy on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 05:10:00 PST

little things in life that make Kittens heart n soul, spin n twirl....

I’m warning you now.... the list is LONG!!!!!!!! 1) I LOVE going for walks in the rain... splashing around in mud puddles is lots of fun! (especially when my god daughter chooses NOT to&nbs...
Posted by Katy on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 06:44:00 PST