Water related stuff.. music, art, sciences, fun. Inner space too.
The girl I love, who loves me. I had a dream the other night that I was married, and everything was fine 'till I woke up. Do you want to come with me everywhere I go? I won't go to Lodi.. more like Hawaii, my gigs, San Onofre... Beach type places.
Hey, Want me to change my profile song? I have dozens of first choices. Let me know. This one is pretty extreme, and only good for very advanced trancers. OK, I CHANGED IT. This is one of mine. I just keep changing them!...But you ain't gonna get the Eagles outta me. I am a very discriminating listener. I know some better voices than Neil Young, sorry. I don't like ugly music and hate music, even tho I know it's very popular. So is bad taste and stupidity. I have a major collection. I love pretty tRaNcE, Tape Leader, Dancing DJs, 4 Srings, Sunset Strippers, Dune, Kate Ryan, Maria Naylor, Uniting Nations, Carisma, Encore and Engelina, ATB, ATC, Gina G, Matt Darey... and I play some too. I love it because it's the new psychadelic music, and it brought music back as an art form. Plus, it's beautiful, and when its not, I don't collect it. You can't say the same for m&m. Now I know... everybody loves him, but his band tracks are super crappy. A casio wrist watch has that much soul. Also love (and made a career out of) acid rock, soul, blues.. I don't do country, but I'll listen when I can't get any other stations in my car. I listened up the whole country chart recently. Lots of good lyrics. They are turning it into pop. I have a few I like. A very few jazz songs too, but watch out for boring.
I sooo rarely see 'em. I have done lotsa extra work tho, and some camera. I have a few scripts in me. Check out my video. It's a movie.
Too busy on the web. I have to type this. And listen to music.
I just read a good one, but it's non-fiction. If you really want to know, you have to talk to me.
They're great. I like Solon (google it)... and FDR.. Einstein and Superman. Queen Victoria too. I liked Ben Franklin, and Susan B Anthony. And Feynman, the Nobel winner who testified for a strip joint. Smart.