dirk profile picture


Moses was abducted . Jesus was too , and Mohammed . Angels are aliens and not our friends

About Me

I've been somewhere with somebody who was someone. Or at least they thought they were. Now i want to be nowhere with nobody who is anyone. I'd settle for that. (y en espanol,he estado en alguna parte con alguien.....etc. es importante que ustedes saben que si hablo espanol tambien.eso resuelve la problema.(cual? diga me)

My Interests

all types of hand drumming,scientific research,analog electronics(it,s an analog world baby.)but i"ll use the new stuff even if i can,t tell you how it works.,cosmology,quantum physics,free energy,massage therapy(yes i are one),martial arts,chi gung,conciousness expanding entheogens,conspiracy theories,hyperdimensional physics,classified subjects esp.------------- the real future that is being planned for us.what is all that money worth now hmmm ?

I'd like to meet:

people on the road to erewhon.(Eherwhon is a eutopian novel by samuel butler which is a kind of rage againt the machines before we need a terminator.)


UFO - OVNI Video Mexico UFO - Mexicocity

UFO - OVNI Video Mexico UFO - Mexicocity


the lies are different on every level.that is the message of Lost,x-files,etc.once you have dismissed one pack of lies the next level emerges.dont worry,we are all confused.it is those who say they arent which worry me.


nowhere to go nothing to do books as yet unwritten i pass my life in serene contemplation


Father Yod,terence mckenna(rip),the buddha,those who master samsaric existence through their own efforts under the guidance of the masters whom they have been blessed to come in contact with.

My Blog

patanjali yoga sutra

the yogic theory of psychology I-2 yoga chitta vritti nirodha-yoga is the cessation of the illusion producing activity of the mind. I-3 tad drastuh svarupa avsthana-then the witnessing contiuum of co...
Posted by dirk on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 10:45:00 PST


a semi mythical group of people under the influence of emanations and vortexes in the area of mt. shasta and shastina.all things ocur in pairs in mt. shasta. grace divine and divine grace, morningstar...
Posted by dirk on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 07:43:00 PST

my youtube videos

youtube.com/shastafari2001 , i have started the project of my hundred or so favorite songs. the older videos at the end are mostly martial arts and drumming.
Posted by dirk on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 02:04:00 PST

Buddhism has one belief.

That there is an inconceivable power of great liberation from suffering present in everyone that has never been blocked and never been defective.        &n ...
Posted by dirk on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 11:53:00 PST


uh oh. there here.
Posted by dirk on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 02:53:00 PST