I am not the REAL Chris Wilson,Im just a fan!the information on this profile has come stright from Chris himself,so do not send messages saying were wrong on anything,cause I really think that Chris knows himself better then you do.This profiel is here for fun and to represent Chris,to show him love and let him see how apreaciated he is by all the loyal fans
Chris Wilson became well known when he was the perminint drummer for the popular band Good Charlotte.Good Charlotte got to know Chris threw another well known band called,The Used.When doing interviews and photo shoots, in the begining, Chris was in the background 'cause GC wanted to make sure he was the right one.Chris became the perminint drummer for GC,his first video aperance was in GC's hit vido 'the anthem'. he then apeard in the videos: 'girls and boys' where he stood with two old men,one who threw a shake at a passing car,'the young and the hopeless' where he tore apart a room of awards and trophes with his fellow band mates,'hold on' where he played drumms for the anti-suicide song that touched to many people.he final got his record time when Good Charlottes third album The Chroniclas of Life and Death came out on October 5th,2004, after 3 years.It was then that Chris started missing shows and interviews.(he was absent at the concert I was at on november 1st 2004)he still made aperances in the videos for 'predictable' which took place in a old house and 'i just wanna live' where he dressed as a carrot(the vid was flimed the next day after the concert i was at that he missed)the band mates told fans that Chris was ill and at home with family for a while till they posted the message on there offical site(www.goodcharlotte.com) announcing the departuer of Chris.chrushed fans everywhere began to make up stories about why Chris had reall left.rumores of him having cancer,joint problems,drug problems,famly problems, and hate for ex band mates Benji and Joel Madden filled the message boreds of all Good Charlotte fan sites.Chris later joined a band called The Summer Obsession and posted this message on there myspace(www.myspace.com/thesummerobsession) to clear up all rumors about him
"Holy shit, due to popular demand.....the reason why I left the GC.......hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm.....I didn't have fun anymore....the band was headed into a direction that I really was not happy about....I just didn't really feel a part of anything...they needed to do their own thing and so did I...as far as the personal rehabilitaion goes, I needed to get the hell out of the music industry for a while so I could settle some issues that had taken over my life....My life was out of control and I didn't know what to do about it....but things are different now and I am happier than I have ever been....I have so much to look forward to!!!....I don't know what to really say other than, I'm doing what I need to be doing right now...and all my stars are aligning perfectly!....I've already seen the worst in my life, I'm movin on!!!!Fuck it!!!!"Name: Christopher Ryan Wilson
Instrument: Drums
Date of Birth: May 5, 1981
Hometown: Provo, Utah
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Used to be black, but now he's bald!
Favorite Color: PinkChis is curently the drummer of The Summer Obession along with his new bandmates
Lucien - vocals/piano
Fin - vocals/guitar
Christ - bass/vocals
even though chris no longer plays for Good Charlotte he is still loved by many of the fans for the great drumm beat he provided the band with.