Slobbering over Becky. Slobbering over music. Slobbering over whisky. Drooling over slobbering. Dribbling over drooling.
Anyone got a tissue?
Humans. Not those houmous and pitta bread zombies from Hyde Park. (Though now the houmous box says 'try with paprika' so all these dumbass students who like to do what they're told keep asking me where the paprika is. Fucking idiots. But that's what I get fo working in Jacksons.)
Consume as much music as you can. Be greedy, and be selfish. Play music too. Be as self-indulgent as you want.
Warrior King is pretty fun.
These days, my TV seems to be constantly on TV On Demand, featuring muchos comedy. Bravo, Bravo +1, and Bravo 2 make quite a few appearances too.
Currently reading Robert DeNiro's autobiography. It's pretty cool.
The musical geniuses I aspire to, such as Mike Patton and Devin Townsend. And also my friends.