Know it all and submit.
Take on the world unfit.
Beg for life and waste it.
Stupid moron fuckwit.
I am Bocks
I currently reside in the student-infested pit of Hyde Park with my chums Peet, Carl and Dan. I am the property of one sexual lady known as Amy Fox. I'm currently spending the summer working loads at the dank hellish nightmare chamber known as SAINSBURYS as well as working on some delicious ART which I thoroughly indulge myself in, improving my culinary skills, becoming a superhuman monster by weight training constantly, and working on my own brand of electronic music we call Human Error. Besides these activities, I spend my time sleeping, eating, drinking and generally sustaining my being. I consider 90% of the human race to be idiots; I am baffled by the way we live our lives and the way we are expected to live. We've created bizarre controls that force us into monotony and destroy any chance of progress; the most horrifically moronic of these being religion. I think we've made some really bad choices as a species. If I had the chance, I'd remake the world from scratch. But naturally I'm too lazy to do anything about it. I have quite a bizarre and scary imagination which I let loose on my art, design and music. My imagination is the most important part of me, and I'll never lose it. I like doing things on a whim; dangerous, pointless things. I live for today. Nothing exists beyond what's happening RIGHT NOW. I desire instant satisfaction and constant amusement. I don't really have any great plan for my life, I don't know wether or not I'll achieve anything, I just want to enjoy it.
"I'll live to see you eat that contract, but i hope you leave enough room for my fist, because i'm going to ram it into your stomach AND BREAK YOUR GOD DAMN SPINE!" -The Governor of California