fluffy profile picture


This cat wants to know you and needs your help and finally my theme song for eternity nolongerlisted

About Me

I am a cat . My name is Fluffy . My owner works for me kind of how the angels work for Charlie . I lay on my pillow all day very happy radiating positive energy . I am very happy because my owner tells me I'm going to be fine , and I don't realize my eye will not heal without an operation . (my condition is a "corneal sequestrum, and eyelid adenoma . This is serious and needs to be fixed right away . This is a very expensive procedure . And I am afraid my owner doesn't have the necessary funds, but of course I don't know . I am told I am going to be fine, so I believe this. I am a very special cat and so cute. Intelligent and responsive. Thoughtful and sweet. Couldn't be replaced in a million years. Speaking of which I am 7 years old and have many many more ahead of me . I weigh 10 pounds have really big paws and the cutest face. And sweetest cat disposition ever. To keep my super cat powers and my wonderful personality and to be able to use all of my wonderful faculties and keep transmitting my magical cat brain waves across the world , this is a necessity. To be able to see. This cat is asking for $1.00 donated at paypal.com the email address is [email protected] he needs his eye , please help. If I have requested to be your friend I hope you will at least accept. Thank you and love you all. Fluffy . will write more sooon. :)mow And add pix and stuff. To help donate for my operation- the blue box.. -- Begin Official PayPal Seal -- .. -- End Official PayPal Seal -- I guess it's time to introduce the other cat she has gone far beyond her initial time. We did not know if it was going to work out. But alas she mellowed out. A rescue cat she lived at a breeder. She seems to like her new home much better than her old one she's really come into her own. I don't see where they would have kept her as she hates other cats. She is confident and secure in the fact that she is important. She has gotten over her fear and hatred of me Grand Master Fluff. She is a persian white with big blue eyes voluminous fur with a slight lion cut. She loves to sit right in front of the airconditioner and get really cold. She is five she has a little nasal sound to her breathing most of the time due to flatness she talks a little bats her eyes alot and is deaf. Her name did not suit her unsure what to call her. The subtle nuances of sound are lost on her so it has to be something she can see. For now just nicknames she is very sweet. She arrived a couple of months ago this is her debut. I will try to get a photo on of her later I need to make mine smaller and get them on asap, There was a mix up about my birthday now I can't seem to post it since so many are on the first it's September 6th if anyone cares. She wanted to say hello and make her presence known. Don't worry I'm still the main cat.

My Interests

praying for monster d cat - song above keeps stop early - hosting Mousterpiece theatre- cilantro - singing - pillows - rollerskating - dancing - chinese dragon in parades - to dabble in other languages - art - absorbs video visuals - predilection for a certain toad

I'd like to meet:

Michael Jackson , David Bowie , Drew Barrymore the other cat Ivy has died I guess in the middle of June I was so upset I hardly mentioned it she was the sweetest cat ever two months to nine years old my angel baby will always be in my heart she was a small white persian with blue eyes she liked to eat her wetffood mainly from a fork said mow a lot had had a fan tail that looked like a big feather and smelled just like a bunny it was very unexpected they told me it was cancer she been sick a couple of weeks I got her diagnosis in a week and a half she was gone----- my angel cat------forever my babycat Ivy


gothic , raggae , depeche mode , bauhaus, the cure , siouxsie , legendary pink dots , current .9'3. , virgin prunes , chameleons u.k. , visage , David Bowie , nirvana , NIN , the sisters of mercy , Michael Jackson , and most other music .HWF, vnv, isc, PHofW, seven trees


Moulin Rouge ; Cats and Dogs ; Sleepwalkers ; The Man Who Fell To Earth ; The Cat From Outerspace ; The Nightmare Before Christmas ; Batman ll ; The Cat in the Iron Mask ; Shadow of the Vampire ; Everafter ; Cat People


Bewitched , Sabrina, Sailormoon , Wildlife shows , Simpsons


Piers Anthony Xanth Series : Anne Rice : The Eyes of the Dragon : Ghost Cat


David Bowie " Jodie Foster " Michelle Pfieffer? " Gwen Stefani " Reese Witherspoon " Peter Murphy " Robert Smith " Drew Barrymore " Madonna " Michael Jackson " Kermit the Frog " Ewan McGregor? " Kevin Haskins " Kate Winslet " Jude " Leonardo DiCapprio " Sting " MacCauley Culkin " Johnny Depp " Oprah " Walt Disney " Sigfried & Roy " Catwoman " Nicole Kidman " Lisa Gerrard " Leonard Whiting " R2D2