Axl profile picture


Life sucks, but in a beautiful kind of way

About Me

Well, you all know about Axl, why else would you add him? But to clear the air, THIS IS NOT AXL. This is merely a profile to pay homage to the still living rock n' roll god. So enough with the, "Is this really Axl?" messages and comments. Why would Mr. Rose be on myspace? Unlike us, he probably has things to do. hahaha, but yeah, add this profile would be cool just to have his picture in your friends list.
Oh, and this is me: CLICK HERE

My Interests

Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll

I'd like to meet:

People that worship the ground that Axl walks on...even if his carrot colored face is a little gross.


Poison, AC/DC, Motley Crue, Jetboy, the New York Dolls, Spinal Tap, the New Originals, Quiet Riot, KISS, X, Queen, the Darkness, and Barbara Streisand...yes, you heard me.


Evil Dead Trilogy, Return of the Living Dead, Detroit Rock City, cheap porn


FAMILY GUY, the Simpsons, the Osbournes


National Enquirer