Anything that has to do w/ Anime and Japanese!!!! I know I'm obsessed ^^
BOA! She's my idol! I want to be a Japanese pop singer just like her. She is so cool!MY FAVORITE ANIME: INUYASHA
adopt your own virtual pet!
Linken park, 3 doors down, Avril Lavigne, Mandy Moore, ect. Jpop, Kpop. ((japanese pop, korean pop)) BoA
, Aya Matsuura
, V6
, Hyue So Lee, Ayumi Hamasaki
, oldies rock too.
Whatever you do, DON'T CLICK ON THIS!!!
HORROR MOVIES ALL THE WAY! The Ring, The Grudge, Phsyco, The Makenzie house, Red Rose, Scream, Scream 2, ect. Comedy!!!! Shrek, shrek 2, The incredibles, any pixar related movie, any universal comedy movie. Drama!!!! A walk to remember, sweet home alabama, Little secrets, Finding David's Heart. Romance!! ((im a sucker for romance)) Where the heart is, Return to me, ect. Action/Adventure Pirates of the Carribean, Day after tommorrow, National Treasure. ANIME!! Inuyasha the 1st, Inuyasha the 2nd movie, Inuyasha the 3rd movie, Card captors the movie, sailor moon the 1st movie, sailor moon the 2nd movie, sailor moon the 3rd movie, Ami's first love, Yuyu hakusho the 1st movie.
Inuyasha, Chobits, Card Captors, Family Guy, Simpsons, The War at Home, Futurama, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Robot Chicken, Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law, American Dad, Spongebob Squarepants, Fairly Oddparents, Jimmy Neutron, Naruto, Bo-Bo-Bo-Bo Bo Bo-BO.
Manga/Graphic Novels, Chobits, Yuyu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, Mouryou Kiden, ruroni Kenshin, Card captors Sakura, Rayearth, D.N Angel, Angel Sanctuary, Neon Evagalion, Fushigi Yugi, Ceres: A Celestial Legend, Ranma 1/2, Harry potter, Guilty pleasures, Circus of the Damned, Blue Moon, The Killing Dance, Burned Offerings, Narcissus in Chains, Where the red fern grows.
Liz, Lex, Kara, Rachel, Dena, Etta, Juli, Leesa, Josh(bro), aaaaaaaand spongebob without him i would truly never know the meaning of F.U.N.