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This is an ADULT Council you MUST be 18 To Join! This is an Alliance of some of the most Respected and Honored Vampires in the community. Known for their Accomplishments, Experience and Devotion to our Kind. All will have the opportunity to work towards holding a Chair in our Councils and Represent their point of view. We will unite despite our differences.
This Council will act on issues and disputes of a wide range and Nature. We will Support our kind's Arts and Literature, and anything pertaining to our kind. This is not a group attempting to Rule over Vampires, but to unite us and hold Order and Peace in our vast Community. It will give each one of our kind a Voice and Role in our Culture's Future, while keeping the Image of the Vampire Alive.
This is a Chapter of the European High Council which is one of the Most Powerful Alliances. Just as we are as Vampires, we will Protect the Identity of those who live in the Public Eye, as well as our numbers. The High Council is of many Sectors, made up of Elected Chairs. We will hold court monthly to address issues. We will meet with opposition from those who fear an organization of this size, and the Unity of the Vampiric Nation as a whole, as we are joining forces with Europe. To many this may seem Ominous and Threatening..but we will Remain Strong in our Mission, and will not fracture due to the weakness of those who fear us.
This High Council will remain one of the most Organized, Established, Informative, Constructed High Councils of the Vampiric Nation!
ALL prospective members must have a filled out Yahoo profile to be approved for membership.
"Strigoi Vii" Living Vampire (Romanian)
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