______________________________________________________Welcome my spacers!!!!
RICARDO 25 Proud COLOMBIAN (CALI) father of 3 wonderful kids ...yes... i know get a TV! are you crazy, work more hours!!!! etc... i tried but i just have to much energy! and i don't drink red bull or none of the shit... natural baby natural... jejej.. I think that kids are a gift from god! yes i might be crazy... but am a happy crazy!!!!. besides been crazy am also warm-hearted and friendly. things i like????... hanging out with friends meeting new people clubbing, anything that can take me out of this fuc*** routine most of us live in.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BACK GROUND:____ Myspace Graphics
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___________________________________________________________S YMBOLO ZODIACAL ...:TAURUS:.Aggressive. Freak in bed. Rare to find! Loves being in long relationships Likes to give a good fight for what they want. Extremely outgoing. Sexy as(use your imagination)Loves to help people in times of need. Outstanding kisser. Very funny. Awesome personality. Stubborn. Sexual as ......... Most caring person you will ever meet! One of a kind. Not one to F##K with. Are the most sexiest people on earth!SYMBOLS_______________________________________________ ___________VOICE MAIL!!!
MAP ___________________________________________________________