kirstyn profile picture



About Me

hmmm lets see...well i'm 5'7", long blonde hair, I'm a junior at arcadia , I play volleyball and softball, I LOVE hanging out with my friends...cuz um...they are the BESSSTT in the whole world and I love going to the beach, laying out, surfing, and yah lots of other stuff

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Kis forKind
Iis forInspirational
Ris forRelaxed
Sis forSaucy
Tis forTimeless
Yis forYummy
Nis forNice What Does Your Name Mean?click on one of my pets to play with them! hehe

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

andy roddick :o)


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billy madison, blow, and little rascals and then some


the OC ...and other stuff