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Now on Swiss Tour with extraordinary instrumentation: Mik Keusen, piano, Michael Flury, posaune, Roberto Hacaturyan, percussions."When Andra Borlo sings, its like honey floating over sandpaper this voice so tastefully raw and ignoring limits, is amazing!" Berner Zeitung
This quote makes a lot of sense - describing Andra Borlos extraordinary voice and using the term ignoring limits. Its hard to put her in a box. She is a free spirit, living her life with a lot of passion. She lives in Bern and New York, she works in human rights and as a singer, she creates an acoustic sound with oboe and violin that sounds a bit like pop, a bit like jazz, a bit like classic, she calls it alternative acoustic pop - no tag really fits, not for her, not for her music.The New York City based artist Andra Borlo with Swiss roots was born in Chicago and lived in Switzerland for many years. The stories her parents told her about Chicago, the discrimination, the racism, and the Jazz/Blues records they played for her were a big influence for the girl who loved music and who was rebellious with a strong sense for justice at a very young age.She combined her musical carreer with studies of political science. After being on the road as a rock singer with her band k'daar for many years, she now created her own acoustic sound. Thanks to her outstanding voice and unique sound creation she got signed up by Universal Music for her first solo album. Parallel to the music she keeps on working as a human rights activist and -consultant. She's also active in the fight against the death penalty in the U.S. (Check out www.nawisa.org)"New York Diary" is a collection of very personal songs, written and recorded in New York. She recorded the album with Gregg August (Brooklyn Philharmonics, Paquito dRiviera, Ray Vega), Todd Reynolds (Ethel, Joe Jackson, Cassandra Willson), Willard Dyson (Dakota Staton, Cassandra Willson, Regina Bell), Kathy Halvorson (George Russell Big Band, Bjork, Aine Minogue, Michael Rabinowitz) and with Philippe Kuhn on piano who's also the producer of the CDHer CD release with strong media presence and tour in Switzerland was successful. For her debut tour she invited rapper and poet Bryonn Bain (www.bryonnbain.com) from Brooklyn, crossing styles. Her song "Es ist Zeit", "Lullaby" and Let's say good bye" have great airplay on Swiss radios. With her strong and convincing appearence on various TV- and radio shows and her tours in Switzerland an in the US in 2006 and 2007 she won a large crowd of fans. Now the singer is planing a second US-Tour for June, together with Eliane (The Swiss Misses). In the fall she will present her new songs with a new band in Switzerland.Check out www.andraborlo.com for more infos*************************
Andra Borlo plays Alternative Acoustic Pop Â
Andra Borlo ist zur Zeit unterwegs in der Schweiz mit neuen Songs und aussergewöhnlicher Besetzung: Mik Keusen, piano, Michael Flury, posaune, Roberto Hacaturyan, percussions.
"Wenn Andra Borlo singt, ist das als flösse Honig über Schmirgelpapier - diese Stimme so schmackhaft rau, so unschweizerisch masslos, ist ein Ereignis.† Berner Zeitung
Als „Grenzgängerin“ wird die charismatische Sängerin Andra Borlo vom Tagesanzeiger beschrieben, von der Aargauer Zeitung als „neue Pop-Stimme der Schweiz“ gefeiert und mit Fiona Apple verglichen. Die in Luzern und New York lebende Sängerin überschreitet gerne jede Art von Grenzen und gibt dem Pop immer wieder ein neues Gewand, hautnah und authentisch. Nach ihrem starken Solodebut 2006 spielt Andra Borlo diesen Herbst ihren „Alternative Acoustic Pop“  mit neuem Songmaterial und ungewöhnlicher Instrumentierung. Die hochkarätige Besetzung mit Posaune, Perkussion (Schwergewicht Cajon) und Piano gibt den melodiösen Songs den Soul und Groove, die Intensität und Leidenschaft, die Andra Borlo mit ihrer Stimme und Performance ausdrückt. Nach zahlreichen Konzerten in den USA ist Andra Borlo für wenige Konzerte in der Schweiz zu hören. Nicht verpassen, Hühnerhaut garantiert!
Details unter: www.andraborlo.com