blaire profile picture


i didn't jump to conclusions... i took one tiny step and there conclusions were!

About Me

Hi I'm Blaire. I'm 21, live in Perth and am in my final year of a primary teaching degree. I also work part-time with kids with disabilities which is sooo much fun! I live with 2 of my friends in a cool lil house. I love my friends, my family and my church. I love girly nites at home with the girls, going out dancing with my friends, going out for coffee, being inside watching a movie when it rains, listening to good music and just loving life, loving people and making the most of this opportunity i've been given...

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My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

I'd love to meet Holly Wagner cos shes the most amazing speaker and such an inspiration in my life, and shes so funny i think it would be amusing. Ok so i wrote that aaages ago but i actually did get to meet her when i was in Sydney. Was very cool! And now i figure if that came true i gotta dream bigger. I also would love to meet Bobbie Houston, Brooke Fraser, Christine Caine... Ok so i got to meet Brooke too at her concert!! So i would still like to meet Bobbie and Chris Caine, and ill throw in Marilyn Skinner while im here...

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I like all different music. My faves at the mo are Brooke Fraser, Fergie, and Hillsong United, and i also listen quite a bit to Elton John, Missy Higgins, The Fray and more...


Almost famous is my fave movie along with sweetwater and dirty dancing. then theres a whole lota chic flicks i like. i dont watch horror movies cos i cant sleep after them they freak me out.


I don't watch a whole lotta shows but my favs are greys anatomy, all saints and prison break. buffy the vampire slayer is my all time favourite show tho, i have the box sets how cool is that? ok maybe not to u but to me its great hehe. Also at the mo ive been getting quite into the contest, its fun to watch with friends.


The Bible, God Chicks and all the harry potter books... im kinda good at starting reading books, not too good at finishing them tho.


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My Blog

my dilemma

ok so heres my dilemma... today at uni for our sculpture project in art, we had to make a figure. so i made this wire man and it was all cool until i realised, "what the heck am i gonna do with him no...
Posted by blaire on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 06:29:00 PST