swimming(fuego beach), internet(myspace), tennis, shopping, chat wid my friends, watching movies, hang-out wid my friends, sympre magbasa ng book abt med... to be with my Baby Kent King for the Rest of my Life...
"SoMeoNe I caN LeaN oN aNd aCcePT Me aS wHaT I'aM eveNthouGh i hAve "topak" suMtYmS... I want simple people and has psychological power... aNd thOSe pEopLe wHo haD gOOd iNteNsioNs!! I love to meet my old long lost friends and of course my BATCH MATES from dcan_2001, aNd UERMMMC!!!! THOSE WHO LUVS TENNIS
So into you, how deep is your love, iluvyou, forevermore, iluvyoumorethanyoueverknow.. -- -- Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved -- Music Video Codes by FreeVideoCodes.com
underworld,barbie of swan lake, rundown, badboyz2, 2fast2furious, liloandstitch, charlies angels, lord of the rings, finding Nemo, SeReNDiPiTy, the ring(0-2), the eye, american pie "the wedding", witchcraft, Torque, gothica, spiderman(1-2)
Video code provided by Music Video Codes
sPonGe Bob sQuare pAntS, fear factor, mtv-cribs, csi-miami, entertainment tonight, national geographic, scariest places on earth, mymyx, hbo, wazzup-wazzup, arirang tv...
aLL aBout OB, Pedia, Med-Surg, pSychology.... cOmprehensive Review of Nursing bY mOsbY's... archie double digest, baby sitters club... chiCken Soup
mY mOm... pApa Jesus (for saving us from our siNs)... if ever??? the One who will love me for what I'am... (bec. He will take care of me!!!)